In Order of Appearance:
CRDC’s Empire Station Complex Forum / Informational Meeting: Proposed National Register Historic District / GVCCC’s 10th Precinct Tour / 10th Precinct Sector B Build the Block Meeting / Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea
Monday, November 15, 7pm via Zoom: Empire Station Complex Forum | The Chelsea Reform Democratic Club (CRDC) presents this forum that ponders the future of the massive project proposed by former governor Andrew Cuomo, whose bulldoze-and-build plan for the area near Penn Station was met with resistance (a polite term for derision) from electeds, preservationists, fiscal conservatives, and, oh yeah, the people whose property would be seized by invoking eminent domain. The project is now in the hands of New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, whose first press conference public comment on her proposed reset presented a scenario calling for far less of a scaleback than opponents were hoping for.
Featured speakers include New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, New York State Assemblymember Richard Gottfried, Robert Atterbury (Congressmember Jerry Nadler’s Deputy District Director), Community Board 4 First Chair Jeffrey LeFrancios, and Holly Leicht, Real Estate Development & Planning, Empire State Development.
Zoom ID: 830 7807 4516, Passcode: 87529.
Wednesday, November 17, 6-8pm: Community Informational Meeting About Proposed Paddy’s Market National Register Historic District | The creation of a National Register Historic District in Hell’s Kitchen is the topic of this meeting hosted by Community Board 4 (CB4) and Clinton Housing Development Company. The Zoom event seeks, as its target audience, “community members” aka “neighborhood residents, tenants, property owners, businesses, and community leaders” who would like to hear about the implications, if the area of Ninth Ave. between W. 35th and 40th Sts. (and portions of surrounding blocks) becomes a National Register Historic District. To register for the event, click here.

Thursday, November 18, 5:30pm: GVCCC Presents a Tour of the 10th Precinct | This annual catered event, created by the Greenwich Village Chelsea Chamber of Commerce specifically for local business owners and managers, provides a meet-and-greet opportunity with 10th Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Robert Gault as well as an inside look at what the precinct has in play, to “help keep our communities safe and encourage community engagement.” Bonus content: It’s also a networking opportunity, as local business owners interact with one another. Limited capacity, registration required. Click here to register.
Thursday, November 18, 7-9pm via Zoom: Congestion Pricing Forum | It’s a case of same week, different forum for the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club (CRDC) , who follow Monday’s Zoom discussion about the proposed Empire Station Complex with this ook at how Chelsea would be impacted by Congestion Pricing. Featured speakers include New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, Transportation Alternatives founder Charles Komanoff, Penn South Board of Directors President Ambur Nicosia, and Howard Babich, of the Penn South Coop Council. Zoom ID: 891 7361 5329. Passcode: 78877.

Friday, November 19, 5pm The NYPD/10th Precinct’s Build the Block Sector B Meeting at the High School of Fashion Industries Auditorium (225 W. 24th St. btw. 7th & 8th Aves.) | Postponed from last week, this in-person event promises “masks will be provided” to attendees if necessary. On hand at next Friday’s meeting will be Sector B NCOs PO Mark Pagano ( and PO Daniel Bavuso Daniel ( They’ll be joined by the precinct’s NCO supervisor, Sgt. Aman (see the above poster for his contact info). For more info, click here and you’ll be taken to the 10th Precinct’s page. On your left, click where it says “Find Your Build the Block Meeting” and soon enough, you will have done exactly that. But not so fast: Stay on the main page and download the latest crime statistics, in PDF and Excel formats. Note: Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs), notes the NYPD, are “assigned to and remain in a sector, or neighborhood, for the duration of their tour [their time spent assigned to a specific precinct]. Additionally, NCOs are given the time and flexibility to make strong bonds with the community they serve.” One way to establish or further cement that bond is the Build the Block meeting, a quarterly gathering with the NCOs particular to each sector (the 10th Precinct has three: A, B, and C).
Saturdays, rain or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to Earth Farmers Markets has once again put down roots in Chelsea (on W. 23rd St. near Ninth Ave.). By and large, it’s the same experience as it’s always been (fresh products, friendly people), albeit with a few notable nods to pandemic protocol: If you have not been fully vaccinated, please wear a face mask. There is no food sampling in the market, and all ready-to-eat food and drink must be consumed off site. If you have pre-ordered bring your order summary with you to speed pick up. Subscribe to the Down to Earth Farmers Market weekly newsletter by clicking here. In each newsletter, you will find the origin story of a certain product available for purchase–and a good recipe or two where that product gets star billing as a main ingredient (or supporting role flavor enhancer)
—Compiled by Scott Stiffler
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