BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | In years past, New York’s anime conventions had to tiptoe around the behemoth of New York Comic Con (NYCC). Anime NYC usually arrived in November, scavenging the nerd carcasses after NYCC had eaten the lion’s share of geeky wallets. But this year, Anime NYC dared to take the first bite from […]
BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | I walked into October 12-15’s New York Comic Con with a simple goal: Buy a comic book. Keith Giffen, one of my favorite comic book writers, had died earlier that week, and I wanted to find an issue of his Justice League from the “Bwah Ha Ha!” era in the late […]
BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | The Jewish Comics Experience (or “JewCE”) was announced before October 7, although the timing of the event is perfectly in tune with November 2023’s zeitgeist. The Golden Age superheroes like Superman, Captain America, and Batman were all created by Jews in the late 1930s. This is neither a coincidence, nor revisionist […]
BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | If you were raised on Sailor Moon, your kids are watching a thing abut a guy with a chainsaw for a head. This was abundantly clear by the Chainsaw Man cosplayers at this year’s Anime NYC, which was held November 18-20 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. While classic anime […]
BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | Each October, New York’s Jacob Javits Center becomes a nerd mecca for comic book enthusiasts. As with many large gatherings, New York Comic Con 2022 (NYCC) had a rocky return last year as the city struggled to recover from the COVID lockdowns. The major comic book companies were nowhere in sight […]
BY CHARLES BATTERSBY with photos by NYCC staff & passersby unless noted | Over the last 20years it has been a joke at Comic Con that the comics themselves were becoming increasingly irrelevant. Movies, TV shows, and video games adapted from comic books have made the print comics a mere side hustle for superheroes. The […]