Hard work and harsh calamity bring figurative and literal meanings to the table, in terms of the above headline.

In the literal sense, “Breaking Our Neck” is the reason it’s been weeks since new content has posted to this website. On March 23, Chelsea Community News founder/editor Scott Stiffler sustained injuries that necessitated eight hours of spinal cord surgery. Mobility, endurance, pain management, and accomplishing tasks like walking and getting dressed are daily challenges.
But Stiffler isn’t giving up—he’s gearing up.
And as for the figurative interpretation of “Breaking Our Neck”: Saturday, April 23, 2022 will be three years to the day since the launch of the Chelsea Community News website. We’re hard at work right now to ensure the happy occasion will be marked by once again posting new content on a regular basis—content dedicated to (as we noted upon our launch) “covering the people, places, activities, and concerns of Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood.”
“I am proud to say we’ve made good on that promise,” says Stiffler. “A few weeks of ‘Doctor’s Orders to take it easy’ has not been easy,” he notes. “But I used the down time to ensure Chelsea Community News’ best days are ahead. We’ll soon be rolling out some new sections and welcoming aboard new contributors while doubling down on our commitment to longform investigative journalism.”
Reflecting on the outpouring of support since his surgery, Stiffler notes, “None of this would be possible if it weren’t for the readers, neighbors, NYC reps, elected officials, and friends both old and new who reached out to me with offers of help, and then delivered big time. It has deepened my love for the Chelsea community, and reinvigorated my commitment to reporting the neighborhood’s news.”
So please keep visiting the website, tell others about it, and support our awesome advertisers. Chelsea Community News remains a free service: No paywall, no pop-up ads. If you’d like to help further our mission by making a donation, click here for our GoFundMe campaign.”

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