Transportation Planning Committee (TPC): Wednesday, May 17, 6:30pm | There will be a presentation and vote on the matter of a neighborhood loading zoning request that would be located in front of the Chain Theatre (312 W. 36th St.). The TPC then conducts a discussion of bicyclists using sidewalks–a topic expcted to draw many members of the public to the meeting, to voice numerous public safety and enforcement concerns. Elsewhere on the agenda, Port Authority will present on the topic of Lincoln Tunnel Overheight Detection Replacement and there will be a discussion and vote on the matter of the DCP (NYC Dept. of City Planning) proposal regarding the “City of Yes” program’s Carbon Neutrality Text Amendment. The TPC Committee will also hear an update re: Pier 94. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 973 3488 0256).
Once a month, the full membership of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) meets to, among other things, vote on letters whose calls to action and recommendations originated from the previous month’s committee meetings–where the real action is! All committee and Full Board meetings of CB4 are being held virtually, via Zoom. Meeting dates, times, locations, and agendas were current as of information released by CB4 on 04/28/2023 (the source for most of the following, sans a few updates provided by CB4 since then). All times/dates/agenda items are subject to change. For more info, click here to visit the CB4 website. To confirm meeting info, email jbodine@cb.nyc.gov, negonzalez@cb.nyc.gov, and jpretente@cb.nyc.gov. Missed a meeting? It happens to the best of us. Fortunately, CB4 maintains a well-curated YouTube channel, where you can livestream (but not partiipate in) all of its meetings, and access them after-the-fact in archive form. To visit the channel, click here. Already having taken place by publication of this roundup: The By Laws Task Force (May 1), the Full Board Meeting (May 3) and the Arts, Culture, Education, Street Life Committee (May 8).

Business Licenses & Permits Committee (BLP): Tuesday, May 9, 6:30p.m. | The meeting begins with the Co-Chairs reviewing of the meeting structure; then the Committee members introducing themselves. In the order of the agenda, applicants will present their application. The Committee will then comment first and any testimony, questions, comments submitted (summarized by the Co-chairs for each applicant. Once all items have been discussed, the Committee will adjourn the meeting. On the agenda: New Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider License Applications; Alteration, Class Change, Method of Operation & Corporate Change Applications; New Wine, Beer & Cider License Applications; and Old/New Business. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 996 7780 9240).
MCB4 12 FAR Working Group: Wednesday, May 10, 4pm | To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: TBA).
Waterfront, Parks & Environment Committee (WPE): Thursday, May 11, 6:30pm | On the agenda, tentatively, is a presentation by the EDC regarding updates on Pier 94, Shore Power, and the Manhattan Cruise Terminal. That’s followed by old and new Business. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 935 1888 4814).
MCB4 By Laws Task Force: Monday, May 15, 4pm | There will be a review of the committee’s existing by laws followed by a discussion of potential additions to those by laws, followed by old and new business. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 852 3820 0208).
Clinton\Hell’s Kitchen Land Use Committee (CHKLU) Special Joint Committee with the Chelsea Land Use Committee (CLU): Monday, May 15, 6:30pm | First up on the agenda is a presentation by the NYC Department of City Planning (DCP) on the topic of the “City of Yes” Carbon Neutrality Text Amendment. That will be followed by all attending members of each committee casting their vote on the matter. That’s followed by a regularly scheduled CLU Meeting—whose first agenda item is a discussion of proposed amendments brought forth by the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). Proposed amendments including the following: Storefronts, signage, sidewalks, HVAC and solar panels, expedited Certificates of No Effect, master plans and district master plans, the Historic Preservation Grant Program, and a new proposed Chapter 14 concerning public petition for rule-making. That’s followed by old and new business. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 420 721 312).
Transportation Planning Committee (TPC): Wednesday, May 17, 6:30pm | There will be a presentation and vote on the matter of a neighborhood loading zoning request that would be located in front of the Chain Theatre (312 W. 36th St.). The TPC then conducts a discussion of bicyclists using sidewalks–a topic expcted to draw many members of the public to the meeting, to voice numerous public safety and enforcement concerns. Elsewhere on the agenda, Port Authority will present on the topic of Lincoln Tunnel Overheight Detection Replacement and there will be a discussion and vote on the matter of the DCP (NYC Dept. of City Planning) proposal regarding the “City of Yes” program’s Carbon Neutrality Text Amendment. The TPC Committee will also hear an update re: Pier 94. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 973 3488 0256).
Executive Committee (EXEC): Monday, May 22, 6:30pm | Agenda items TBD followed by old and new business to wrap things up. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 916 5217 3279).
NEXT FULL BOARD MEETING: Wednesday, June 7, 6:30pm | To attend via Zoom click here. To attend by phone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 986 0945 5541).
—Compiled by Scott Stiffler
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