BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The individual committee meetings of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) for the month of July are where you’ll find presentations, discussions, and debate–all leading up to committee members voting on the matter at hand and, more often than not, generating a letter that will serve as a statement of CB4’s position. That letter is then voted upon at the net Full Board Meeting, where all members in attendance vote to accept the letter as is, augment it a bit, or send it back to committee for further discussion and changes (that third option is a rarity). So here’s what’s scheduled to be taken up at the committee level this month, plus a notable special event on July 12 concerning… well, you’ll see when you get there. For all thing CB4, click here and you’ll be taken to the Home page of their easy-to-navigate website, where you can access the calendar and isit the dedicated pages of each committee.
Thursday, July 6, 6:30pm: Housing, Health & Human Servies (HHHS) Comittee
ABOUT: The HHHS reviews proposals and monitors the progress of affordable housing commitments made during the Hudson Yards, West Chelsea, and Western Rail Yards rezoning. It also reviews Low Income Housing Plan Application, evaluates tenant complaints, and acts as a liaison between the Board and social service providers, including City agencies.
JULY 6: On the agenda is a presentation regarding the Community Land Trust Initiative (CLT). The Initiative, according to its nyc.gov explainer page, functions to “create and preserve permanently affordable housing, as well as commercial and community spaces.” Click here for more info. Elsewhere on the agenda, residents of 517-525 W. 45th St. will provide an update on building renovations. This is a hybrid meeting, held virtually and in-person. Virtual participation is highly recommended. The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with CB4 Assistant District Manager Nelly Gonzalez via negonzalez@cb.nyc.gov. To attend via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 955 2999 9182). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
Monday, July 10, 6:30pm: Arts, Culture, Education, & Street Life (ACES) Committee
ABOUT: ACES, formerly known as the Quality of Life Committee, provides support and access to arts and cultural resources available to residents and organizations of the district. The committee advocates for the advancement of education and youth-focused institutions and programs while providing a place for residents and businesses to voice their concerns about issues that have a negative impact on their quality of life such as sanitation, street noise, street activities, and city services. The committee also has specific oversight in the approval of street activity permits. To visit their page on the CB4 website, click here.
JULY 10: First on the agenda, the Open Session allows members of the public to share their perspectives on issues relevant to the committee’s areas of concern. Later, a presentation by the School Construction Authority gives an overview of District school capital projects. The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment will also give a presentation—and as of early July, the NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation was tentatively scheduled to discuss youth summer programming. This hybrid meeting is held virtually and in-person (virtual participation highly recommended). The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with CB4 District Manager Jesse Bodine at jbodine@cb.nyc.gov. To register via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 961 6164 5211). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
Tuesday, July 11, 6:30pm: Business License & Permits Committee (BLP)
ABOUT: Any beer, wine, or on-premise liquor license applications and sidewalk cafe applications must come before the Business License & Permits Committee of the Community Board for its review. The Board’s position must be considered in the final determination of these applications.
July 11: New liquor, wine, beer & cider license applications will be considered. Also scheduled for consideration: Corporate Change Applications and applications for new wine, beer & cider licenses. This hybrid meeting is held virtually and in person (virtual participation highly recommended). The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with Assistant District Manager Nelly Gonzalez. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 996 7780 9240). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube, click here
NOTE: To view the archived recording of this 7/12/2023 meeting, click here. | Wednesday, July 12, 6pm: CB4 Informational Presentation on Chelsea NYCHA Plan
CB4 hosts this informational presentation by NYCHA and their development team on the proposed plan for the Chelsea NYCHA campuses. To register via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 865 6767 7186). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.

Thursday, July 13, 6:30pm: Waterfront, Parks & Environment Committee (WPE)
ABOUT: The WPE is actively involved in the planning and operation of the Hudson River Park and other developments along the waterfront. It works with environmental groups and government agencies on various matters involving the waterfront and inland open space–and also advocates for the creation of new parkland and increased funding for recreation centers and parks.
July 13: There will be a presentation by ConEd, regarding Title V Permit Renewal. After the presentation, WPE members will vote on the matter. Also, the NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation will provide an update on NYC Parks located within CB4’s area of coverage. Legislation created to address commercial operation of helicopters within the CB4 area (including the W. 30th St. heliport, located in Hudson River Park) will also be addressed. This hybrid meeting is held virtually and in-person (virtual participation highly recommended). The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with Assistant District Manager Nelly Gonzalez at negonzalez@cb.nyc.gov. To register via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 935 1888 4814). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
Monday, July 17, 6:30pm-9:30pm: Chelsea Land Use Committee (CLU)
ABOUT: Any application for a change or variance from the zoning Resolution must come before the Community Board. The Board’s position must be considered in the final determination of these applications. Community Boards must be consulted on the placement of most municipal facilities in the community and on many other land use issues involving city-owned property. Enclosed sidewalk cafes are reviewed by the CLU.
July 17: On the agenda is the welcoming of new committee members as well as a review of Open Items and project timelines. This hybrid meeting is held virtually and in person (virtual participation highly recommended). The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with District Manager Jesse Bodine at jbodine@cb.nyc.gov. To register via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 420 721 312). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
CANCELLED: Tuesday, July 18’s Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Land Use Committee (CHKLU) | The next CHKLU meeting will be Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
ABOUT: Any application for a change or variance from the zoning Resolution must come before the Community Board. The Board’s position must be considered in the final determination of these applications. Community Boards must be consulted on the placement of most municipal facilities in the community and on many other land use issues involving city-owned property. Enclosed sidewalk cafes are reviewed by the CHKLU.
Wednesday, July 19, 6:30pm-9:30pm: Transportation Planning Committee (TPC)
ABOUT: The TPC reviews application for street closures and permits for anything that is placed on the sidewalks, such as newsstands or phone booths. It also advocates for better maintenance of streets and sidewalks and improved transit services, and works with the Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider changes in parking regulations, street design and traffic patterns. It also considers applications for No honking and Street name signs.
July 19: The MTA is scheduledl to provide an update on grate replacement requests. This hybrid meeting is held virtually and in person (virtual participation highly recommended). The in-person location is CB4’s Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). To attend in person (limited space available), please register with Community Associate Janine Pretente-Yusuf at jpretente@cb.nyc.gov. To register via Zoom, click here. The conference call-in number is 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 973 3488 0256). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
Wednesday, July 26, 6:30pm: Full Board Meeting
This hybrid meeting takes place online via Zoom and in-person at The High Line’s West 14th Street Passage. The public is always allowed to speak on topics of their choice, and local elected official or there reps are in attendance, to give the latest news from their office, and take questions from Board members. But the bulk of the agenda is always dedicated to discussion about—and then the taking of a vote on—letters generated from the individual committees. Those letters are sent to City departments, businesses and organizations, and/or elected officials as a formal statement of CB4’s position on a specific matter. To attend via Zoom, click here to register. At that registration link, you’ll be able to sign up to speak during the Public Session (general topics) and Public Hearing (specific topics listed on the agenda). The conference call-in number is 646 518-9805 (Webinar ID: 986 0945 5541). To view via Live Stream on CB4’s YouTube channel, click here.
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