BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Not a week goes by where we don’t feature a public meeting accessible via Zoom, a local brick and mortar location, or both. Most of them are recorded for posterity and posted online for perpetual (usually free) access at your convenience. And so we come to this—the debut of an occasional roundup column that will provide links to past events, in the event that you couldn’t attend in real time—or just want to watch it again.
The City Club of New York presented a July 10 online event featuring MTA President of Construction & Development, Jamie Torres-Springer Sits. This conversation with City Club President Layla Law-Gisiko was the first public presentation of MTA plans for Penn Station reconstruction. To view the recording, click here. For the home page of City Club’s YouTube channel, where you can access other recordings, click here.
Tuesday, July 11’s meeting of the Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) Business License & Permits (BLP) committee saw the consideration of new liquor, wine, beer, and cider license applications. Also on the agenda: Corporate Change Applications and applications for new wine, beer, and cider licenses. To view the recording, click here. View CB4 meetings as the take place, on CB4’s YouTube channel—click here to access the channel, which also contains an extensive archive of CB4 monthly committee meetings, full board meetings, and special events.

Speaking of special events: July 12’s Informal Presentation on the Chelsea NYCHA Plan saw CB4 host a ZOOM event featuring the NYCHA development team, discussing the proposed plan for the Chelsea NYCHA campuses—which would see NYCHA enter into a public/private partnership as a means to upgrade its facilities and ensure their long-term integrity. To view the recording, click here.

A July 12 public meeting of the City Planning Commission (CPC) public meeting saw their gathered membership vote on Calendar items 5 and 6—concerning, respectively, an application by Madison Square Garden for a special permit that would allow the arena to continue operating at its present location as well as a Zoning Text Amendment. The vote was 9 in favor and 1 against. For information as to what CPC required of MSG for this favorable outcome, start your viewing of the meeting at the 11-minute mark. To access the recording, click here. (Having been voted on by CB5, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine, and the CPC, MSG’s special permit and zoning requests advance to the City Council, which–pending a rare mayoral override–will be the final, decisive say on the matter.) To visit the home page of CPC’s YouTube channel, where meetings are archived for public access on demand, click here.
CB4’s Waterfront, Parks & Environment (WPE) committee met on July 13. Released in advance of the meeting, the agenda noted a presentation by ConEd, regarding Title V Permit Renewal. After the presentation, WPE members were scheduled to vote on the matter. Also, the NYC Dept. of Parks & Recreation was on the agenda, to provide an update on NYC Parks located within CB4’s area of coverage. Legislation created to address commercial operation of helicopters within the CB4 area (including the W. 30th St. heliport, located in Hudson River Park) was also to be addressed. To view the recording, click here.
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