Here’s What’s Happening In & Around Chelsea
Pick of the Week: Senior Resource Fair / Barktoberfest / 10th Precinct Sector A Build the Block Meeting and Community Council Meeting / CB4’s District Needs Survey, Oct. 31 Deadline / Community Cleanups / District 3 Participatory Budgeting Meetings / Kid at Work: Music in Chelsea Green Park / Carri Skoczek: Portraits at Hudson Guild’s Guild Gallery II /
Tuesday, October 24, 3-5pm at the Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center
250 W. 65th St. btw. Amsterdam & West End Ave.
Learn about advocacy organizations, receive healthcare information, SCRIE/DRIE help, blood pressure and vision screenings, and get your flu shots. To RSVP (requested but not required), call 212-633-8052 or send an email via
Barktoberfest: Tuesday, October 24 (rain date, Oct. 25), 3:30-5:30pm at Chelsea Waterside Park (557 W. 23rd St. btw. 11th & 12th Aves. in Hudson River Park) | This past weekend’s annual Doggie Costume Contest (part of the Meatpacking District BID’s Treats in the Streets festivities) retained its allure as one of the City’s quintessential sources of adorableness overload, when it comes to the domesticated wolves we spoil and indulge at the drop of a hat (or biscuit?). Now, just days later, comes another annual event custom-made for dog owners and dog appreciators. Hudson River Park Trust invites you to the recently upgraded Chelsea Waterside Park dog run for this incredibly well-named event (“Barktoberfest”) that’s also incredibly fun to say out loud. From 3:30-5:30pm, you’ll meet reps from local dog-friendly businesses; snack on food and beverages for humans; discover delights for dogs; and put your pet’s best paw forward for a dog photography opportunity (costumes encouraged!). It’s also an opportunity to become a Four-Legged Friends member and pick up your membership gift(s) at the event. Already a member? You can pick up your gift at the HRPK table. For more info, click here.

The 10th Precinct Sector A Build the Block Meeting: Thursday, October 26, 5pm in Kelly Park (320 West 17 th St., btw. 8th & 9th Aves. | See the below screenshot taken from the meeting’s web listing.
The day before–Wed., Oct. 25, 7pm at the 10th Precinct (230 W. 20th St. btw. 7th & 8th Aves.)–it’s the October edition of the monthly, citizen-run 10th Precinct Community Council. For more info on that as well as all remaining Build the Block meetings for 2023, click here to read our roundup.
Take the Manhattan Community Board 4 (MCB4) Annual Community District Needs Survey | As of late, the individual committees of CB4 have shared a common Agenda Item: Consider the most pressing needs of the community for improved government services and capital investment. You can view MCB4’s previous Statement of District Needs on their website by clicking here. Doing so will make you a more informed respondent, when you answer the call to add your voice to CB4’s online District Needs Survey (click here to take the survey). Pro Tip: Consider what occurs to you as the top three issues facing the community board’s district (that’s the Chelsea/Clinton and Hell’s Kitchen areas; only those who live/work there are asked to fill out the survey, which provides a myriad of responses for the “issues” questions, and allows for your anonymity). The survey remains accessible to the public through Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
Community Cleanups in Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen & the West Village: November 15/19 & Dec. 3 | NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher’s partnership with the Sanitation Foundation and the people of Council District 3—in which folks fan out across their neighborhoods to show litter the business end of a garbage bag—returns for a slew of fall dates. Gloves, bags, and tools will be provided.
Here’s where to meet at 11am: In Chelsea, at the northwest corner of 23rd St. & Eighth Ave. In Hell’s Kitchen, at the northeast corner of 47th St. & Ninth Ave. In the West Village, at Abingdon Square (Eighth Ave. & Hudson St.). Gloves, bags, and litter collection equipment will be provided. To sign up, click here.
Kids at Work: Free Music in Chelsea Green Park (140 W. 20th St. btw. 6th & 7th Aves.) on Thursday, October 26, 10am | Join teacher Sophie (from Chelsea Green neighbor and longtime supporter, Kids at Work), who will lead the kids in song and activities. The event will run about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Kids at Work Has been making music with kids for over 14 years, and Kids at Work is excited to bring the fun for FREE at Chelsea Green! This is for babies and toddlers aged 6 mos-4 years. Older children are also welcome.
Carri Skoczek: Portraits at Hudson Guild’s Guild Gallery II (119 9th Ave. ): On View Through November 21 | This exhibit features a selection of women’s portraits from several series by Skoczek: Fallen Women (based on Bellocq’s photographs of Storyville prostitutes); Soiled Doves (based on photographs of prostitutes from the early wild west, female circus performers, and Alice in Wonderland). “The inherent sensuousness of drawing the portraits with her fingers, using pearl powders on top of wet relief printmaking ink,” the curators note, “enhances the lusciousness of the drawings and subject matter.” Viewing Hours: Tues. through Fri., 10am-5pm and Sat., Nov. 11 & 18, 2pm-5pm. Free admission. For info, call 212-760-9837 or click here to view exhibit info on the Hudson Guild website.
—Listings Compiled by Scott Stiffler
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