On Tuesday, November 7, New York City will vote in a primary election for City Council, judges, and ballot proposals. “In addition to City Council,” notes nycvotes.org, “there may be additional non-city offices [District Attorney, Civil Court Judges] on your ballot depending on your political party and where you live.”
After November 7, it’s all over. But over this past weekend (Saturday, October 28), it actually began in the form of Early Voting, which runs daily through Sunday, November 5.
Find your Early Voting and General Election/Election Day pollsite (they’re not necessarily the same) and access a sample ballot at findmypollsite.vote.nyc/. You’ll need your building/home number, street name, and zip code. Chelsea’s Early Voting locations include the FIT Shirley Goodman Center (298 Seventh Ave.) and IS 70 (333 W. 17th St.). Below, find dates and hours for Early Voting and the General Election.
Sat. Oct. 28: 9am-5pm
Sun. Oct. 29: 9am-5pm
Mon. Oct. 30: 9am-5pm
Tues. Oct. 31: 8am–4pm
Wed. Nov. 1: 10am–8pm
Thurs. Nov. 2: 10am–8pm
Fri. Nov. 3: 8am–4pm
Sat. Nov. 4: 9am–5pm
Sun. Nov. 5: 9am-5pm
ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 7 / Polls are open 6am-9pm.
Proposal Number One, an Amendment: Removal of Small City School Districts From Special Constitutional Debt Limitation | The proposed amendment to Article 8, section 4 of the Constitution removes the special constitutional debt limitation now placed on small city school districts, so they will be treated the same as all other school districts. Shall the proposed amendment be approved? (vote yes or no)
Proposal Number Two, an Amendment: Extending Sewage Project Debt Exclusion From Debt Limit | The proposed amendment to Article 8, section 5 of the Constitution extends for ten years the authority of counties, cities, towns, and villages to remove from their constitutional debt limits debt for the construction of sewage facilities. Shall the proposed amendment be approved? (vote yes or no)
—Compiled by Scott Stiffler

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