A Wish for Global Lasting Peace
Written By Lisa Ruimy Holzkenner (Chelsea, NYC)
Peace is the blessing for which I pray in my sleeping and waking hours.
Many nights I have awakened in terror, for have I lived
through the horrors of several wars, beginning with WW II.
While I find consolation in the dream of love and hope,
yet the experiences of prejudice, persecution, and
the ever-present possibility of the extinction of the human species
make my eyes tired from weeping.
I need time to lament for the fires of wars and the hate that
has never been completely extinguished.
I will lament until we stop the self-defeating path of all forms of hate,
until we control the destructive impulses in our brain
so that hatred will not grow ever again.
As I am putting these thoughts to paper, in the landscape of my memory
my beloved grandfather’s precious words come to mind:
“Hate is regretful and alienating.
Love, not hate, will conquer societal ills.
Respect all human beings, for we are all God’s children.
In the great chain of life from humankind to all living things on earth, we form a harmonious whole in this immense world in ways that our finite minds cannot yet decipher or understand.”
These words inspire my soul, instilling in me a sense of hope for a more humane world.
Yes, now in my ripened years, the trauma like a restless sea still reverberates in my psyche.
From a heart laden with pain and fears, a voice cries out, calling on politicians, artists, writers, social and behavioral scientists to give us knowledge and the gentle force of wisdom to discover words forgotten or not yet found, a syntax to rearrange our words, an imperative need for transforming our thoughts from negative forces into love and goodness in every soul.
Ah, yes, now in my ripened years, more than ever I wish for a world where a glimmer
in the conscious eye will awaken the imagination of the defenders of justice, arising in them
a compassion for truth beyond religion, race, gender, or creed, and with a united vision to think, plan, and strive toward the oneness of humanity when all human hearts are hatred-free.
Toward that end, with a receptive consciousness, let’s all join our hands
of beautiful rainbow hues—black, white, brown, and all the shades in between—
for the multiple colors reveal what is true, the beauty of the collective wisdom embedded within our hearts, minds, and souls.
Yes, from a heart laden with pain and fears a voice cries out, calling on
politicians, artists, writers, social and behavioral scientists, and defenders of justice
to give us a hopeful vision of the future-a place where, despite the tensions and uncertainties of our grim period, meaningful new systems of justice and equality will be born,
lifting our social consciousness to a new height of moral maturity,
leading to the realization of our long-cherished dreams for
a lasting global peace. May it begin in our time.
With that vision in mind, let us continue joining our hands
looking at and listening to each other
until we feel the bond of love and hope strengthened between one another
until we see peace reigning in the hearts of humankind,
until peace becomes part of the air we breathe,
until, in unison, our hearts break into a song that rises up high,
uttering our eternal wish for, and ushering in, global lasting peace.
Yes, let us think and plan toward a peaceful tomorrow.
A future of no more cruel, apocalyptic, childish games,
no more violence on the ground or in the air,
no more guns and bombs and the unthinkable destruction they bring.
There is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us—we must do it ourselves.
Let us not be diminished by our differences; instead, let us overcome the mistrust and hatred as we celebrate what we have in common, our shared humanity.
Let’s treat each other with kindness and respect in everyday interactions,
while pursuing a more just system of social and ecological relations between nature and humankind and all creatures with whom we share our planet earth,
the only home we have, ours to protect, preserve, and cherish.
As sisters and brothers, let us share the beauty of our souls as we weave a rich tapestry from the multiple stories of our cultural folklore, anecdotes, vignettes, and songs,
spreading love and hope for a peaceful world,
the paradise that was always meant to be on earth,
created by those who love life and took a chance to dream.
In their hands of hope the dove of Paix, Paz, Salama, Shalom, Shanti, Peace will arrive.
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