BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | The performing careers of ballet dancers are notoriously short, so it behooves an artist to plan ahead. Calvin Royal III, only the third person of color to achieve the rank of principal dancer at American Ballet Theatre, has been dancing for more than 20 years and is still at it. Now in his mid-thirties, he’s also finishing up a bachelor’s degree and practicing a new skill—curating programs of dance that combine masterpieces from the repertory with new works by his contemporaries.
Coming to The Joyce Theater August 13-18 is a ballet festival he’s built—called UNITE—in which two mixed bills, heavy on gay, black, Asian, and female choreographers, are interleaved. The first one, opening Tuesday, August 13, includes excerpts from Balanchine’s very early Apollo, to Stravinsky, and his Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux. Royal will perform in both of these, along with Chyrstyn Fentroy in the first and Chloe Misseldine in the second. Also on display are a pas de deux from Kenneth MacMillan’s Manon, world premieres by Adriana Pierce and Aleisha Walker, and works by Alonzo King, Duncan Lyle, and James Whiteside. Royal’s husband, Czech pianist Jacek Mysinski, accompanies several of these pieces including Royal’s new solo for himself, Moonlight, to Debussy.
The second program, which debuts Wednesday, August 14, ventures further out, including works by Angelin Preljocaj, Kenneth MacMillan, Lauren Lovette (whose Dreamachine Pas de Deux is cast with Paul Taylor Dance Company members Jessica Ferretti and Kenny Corrigan), and emerging artists Brady Farrar, My’Kai Stromile, Zhongzing Fang, and Christopher Rudd. Opening this bill is Victor Trevino’s reconstruction of the 1845 Pas de Quatre by Perrot, danced by his all-male comedy ballet company Les Ballets Eloelle/Grandiva. Many of the performers and choreographers on both bills are from out of town, but my hunch is that these two programs, taken together, will provide much pleasure and lots of new favorites to follow.
After this festival The Joyce shuts down for its annual month of R&R (that would be rest and repair!), returning in September with two more weeks of ballet, both with live music: The London City Ballet, (September 17-22) and Philadelphia’s own BalletX (September 25-29).
“UNITE” is performed August 13-18 at The Joyce Theater (175 Eighth Ave. at W. 19th St.). Runtime: One hour and 40 minutes with one intermission. For tickets ($12-$92, prices subject to change), visit www.joyce.org or call 212-0800. There will be a Curtain Chat following the Wed., Aug 14 performance, offering discussions with artists. Saturday, August 17’s 2pm Program II performance is a Family Matinee (audiences 5 to 15 and their grown-ups meet the artists following the performances—kids’ tickets, $10).
Program I
Tuesday, August 13 at 7:30pm / Thursday, August 15 at 7:30pm / Saturday, August 17 at 8pm / Sunday August 18 at 2pm
Apollo Solo and Pas de Deux (Balanchine/Stravinsky)
Cast: Chyrstyn Fentroy, Calvin Royal III
Jacek Mysinski on piano; Kobi Malkin on violin
Manon Bedroom Pas de Deux (MacMillan/Massenet)
Cast: Sae Eun Park, Paul Marque
Night Pieces (Lyle/Schuman)
Cast: Kyra Coco, Ingrid Thoms, Duncan MacIlwain, Tristan Brosnan
Jacek Mysinski on piano
Untitled World Premiere Work (Aleisha Walker/Milstein)
Cast: Aleisha Walker
Kobi Malkin on violin
Suite of Dances (Whiteside/Rozzi)
Cast: Isabella Boylston, James Whiteside
Jacek Mysinski on piano; Rozzi on vocals
Moonlight (Royal/Debussy)
Cast: Calvin Royal III
Jacek Mysinski on piano
Excerpts from Flight (Joo/Bach)
Cast: Herman Cornejo
Scheherazade Pas de Deux (King/Hussain)
Cast: Adji Cissoko, Shuaib Elhassan
Untitled World Premiere Work (Adriana Pierce/Israel)
Cast: Ingrid Thoms, Kyra Coco
Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux (Balanchine/Tchaikovsky)
Cast: Chloe Misseldine, Calvin Royal III
Program II
Wednesday, August 14 at 7:30pm / Friday, August 16 at 8pm / Saturday, August 17 at 2pm / Sunday, August 18 at 7:30pm
Pas de Quatre (Trevino after Perrot/Pugni)
Cast: Dancers of Ballet Eloelle/Grandiva
Untitled Duet (My’Kal Stromile/Patton)
Cast: Tyson Ali Clark, Chyrstyn Fentroy
Excerpt from Le Parc (Preljocaj/Mozart)
Cast: Sae Eun Park, Paul Marque
Griot (Cissoko/Cissokho)
Cast: Adji Cissoko
Romeo & Juliet Balcony Pas de Deux (MacMillan/Prokofiev)
Cast: Isabella Boylston, Calvin Royal III
Jacek Mysinski on piano; Kobi Malkin on violin
Untitled World Premiere Work (Zhongzing Fang/Bosso)
Cast: Luigi Crispino
Dreamachine Pas de Deux (Lauren Lovette)
Cast: Jessica Feretti, Kenny Corrigan
Valse Masquerade (Farrar/Christian)
Cast: Crystal Huang
Touché (Rudd/Morricone & Woodkid)
Cast: Calvin Royal III, João Menegussi
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