The October Committee Mtgs. of Manhattan Community Board 4 (MCB4)

Community Board 4’s area of coverage. | Image via CB4

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Normally held on the first Wednesday of the month, the Full Board meeting of Manhatan Community Board 4 (MCB4) has much activity to offer, including a Public Session where the citizenry can claim two minutes of uninterrupted time at the mic, to speak on topics of their choice.

Updates from elected officials or their reps are also given a place on the agenda–but the majority of the meeting’s content comes from the full board discussing and voting on letters generated at the most recent meetings of their individual committees. Click here to see how that process played out at the October 1 Full Board meeting.

The next Full Board meeting happens on Wednesday, November 6 at 6:30pm. And sure, we could provide the calendar page link MCB4 has already created for that event–but there’s precious little meat on that bone. The real source of sneak preview marrow comes from the October meetings of each individual committee. Which leads us to the below roundup, where you’ll get a bit of background info on each committee and hear as much as is known about what they’ll be doing in October…

NOTE: Meeting dates, times, locations, links, and agenda items subject to change. Please visit MCB4’s Online Calendar or call the MCB4 office (212-736-4536) for confirmation.

From MCB4’s YouTube channel, a screenshot of Sept. 10’s BLP committee meeting. In lower panels, L to R, are BLP members Inge Ivchenko, Burt Lazarin (co-chair) and Christine Berthet. | Image taken by CCNews

Business License & Permits Committee (BLP) / Tuesday, October 8, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Click Here to view the archived recording of September’s BLP meeting. | Any beer, wine, or on-premise liquor license applications and sidewalk cafe applications must come before the Business License & Permits Committee of the Community Board for its review. The Board’s position must be considered in the final determination of these applications. Frank M. Holozubiec and Burt Lazarin are BPL Co-Chairs. The general committee members are Theodore Arenas, Christine Berthet, Wendy Gonzalez, Jesse Greenwald, Candice Hewitt, Inge Ivchenko, Kerry Keenan, James MacDonald, Gregory Morris, Tina Nelson, Michael Noble, and Allen Oster

There are 15 items of the BLP’s September 10 agenda. The stipulation packet of agenda items can be found by clicking here. Among  matters under consideration: Two applications for a new wine, beer, and cider license—and four businesses hoping to alter their method(s) of operation, or make a class/corporate change (Fellini Chelsea Corp at 231 Eighth Ave., for example, wants to change their first floor bar to a “service bar” which will require a food prep area). There are five new liquor, wine, beer, and cider license applications; and three applicants are hoping for MCB4’s endorsement of their request for benefits afforded to businesses whose NYC Department of Transportation Dining Out Sidewalk & Roadway application is accepted. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 996-7780-9240). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

The Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Land Use (CHKLU) / Wednesday, October 9, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Any application for a change or variance from the zoning Resolution must come before the Community Board for its review. Jean Daniel Noland and Paul Devlin are the CHKLU Co-Chairs. Robert J. Benfatto, Jr. and Brian Weber are Public Members. The general committee members are Theodore Arenas, Kevin Collins, Frank Holozubiec, Christopher LeBron, Rachel Lee, James MacDonald, Sanford Miller, Leslie Boghosian Murphy, Joe Restuccia, and Delores Rubin. To attend the October 9 meeting via Zoom, click here. To view the Agenda Items, click here. Among the scheduled Items is an informational proposal for a zoning text amendment for a development at 304 W. 49th St. and an update on the illegal demolition of 435 W. 48th St. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 961-7200-0913). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

From MCB4’s YouTube channel, a screenshot of Sept. 12’s WPE committee meeting. In the 3 lower panels are WPE members (with Co-Chair Leslie Boghosian Murphy in center panel). Image taken by CCNews

Waterfront, Parks & Environment Committee (WPE) / Thursday, October 10, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Click Here to view the September WPE meeting. | The WPE is actively involved in the planning and operation of the Hudson River Park and other developments along the waterfront, worhing with environmental groups and government agencies on various matters involving the waterfront and inland open space. The WPE also advocates for the creation of new parkland and increased funding for recreation centers and parks. Maarten de Kadt and Leslie Boghosian Murphy are WPE Co-Chairs. Jennifer Cook and Sally Greenspan, and Lowell Kern are Public Members. The general committee members are Roberta Barnett, Gwen Billig, Lisa David, Matt Green, Candice Hewitt, David Holowka, Ella Kim, Raul Larios, Christopher LeBron, Brad Pascarella, Catie Savage, and Alice Wong.

On the agenda for October 10’s meeting: The NYC Department of Parks & Recreation will provide agency updates; Manhattan Community Boathouse reps will give a presenation about current and upcoming  public programming; and a discussion/vote will take place regarding the Statement of District Needs and Budget Requests. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 935-1888-4814). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Arts, Culture, Education, and Schools Committee (ACES) / Tuesday, October 15, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Click Here to view the September meeting. | ACES provides support and access to arts and cultural resources available to residents and organizations of the district; advocates for the advancement of education and youth-focused institutions and programs; and provides a place for residents and businesses to voice concerns about issues that have a negative impact on their quality of life. Matt Green and Josephine Ishmon are ACES Co-Chairs. Salvador Munoz is a Public Member. The general committee members are Wendy Gonzalez, Max Goodstein, Ella Kim, Chenise Mitchell, Maria Ortiz, Katy Stokes, and David Warren.

As of this article’s publication, the October 15 meeting’s agenda had yet to post on this link provided by MCB4. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 961-6164-5211). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Transportation Planning Committee (TPC): Wednesday, October 16, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In Person at the MCB4 Office – (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Click here to view the archived recording of September’s TPC meeting. | TPC reviews application for street closures and permits for anything that is placed on the sidewalks; advocates for better maintenance of streets and sidewalks and improved transit services; and works with the NYC Department of Transportation to consider changes in parking regulations, street design, and traffic patterns. Christine Berthet and Jesse Greenwald are TPC Co-Chairs. Brett Firfer and Charles Todd are public members. The general membership consists of Gwen Billig, Viren Brahmbhatt, Liam Buckley, Pete Diaz, Max Goodstein, Sanford Miller, Tina Nelson, Allen Oster, David Warren, Alice Wong, and Rodney Washington.

As of this article’s publication, the October 16 meeting’s agenda had yet to post on this link provided by MCB4. To attend the meeting via Zoom, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 973-3488-0256. Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

A screenshot of the Sept. 2024 HH&HS committee meeting. Lower section, L to R: Co-Chairs Joe Restuccia and Maria Ortiz. | Screenshot by CCNews

Housing, Health & Human Services Committee (HH&HS) / Thursday, October 17, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | To view September ‘s HH&HS meeting, click here. | HH&HS reviews proposals and monitors the progress of affordable housing commitments made during the Hudson Yards, West Chelsea, and Western Rail Yards rezoning; reviews Low Income Housing Plan Applications as part of the Inclusionary Housing Program; and evaluates tenant complaints re: service issues, co-op conversions, and tenant associations. Maria Ortiz and Joe Restuccia are HH&HS Co-Chairs. The Public Members are Paul Ames and Travis Rogers. The general committee members are Roberta Barnett, Liam Buckley, Kevin Collins, Lisa David, Pete Diaz, Raul Larios, Rachel Lee, Betty Mackintosh, Jean-Daniel Noland, Delores Rubin, Catie Savage, Katy Stokes, and Hector Vazquez. As of this article’s publication, the October 17 meeting’s agenda had yet to post on this link provided by MCB4. To attend the meeting via ZOOM, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 955-2999-9182. Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Chelsea Land Use Committee (CLU) / Monday, October 21, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at Pier 57 (25 11th Ave. at West 15th St.) | The September 4 Full Board meeting saw longtime (almost a decade) MCB4 member and onetime Chair Jeffrey LeFrancois used his 2-minute speaking slot in the Public Session to announce his unexpected and immediate departure from the Board (hear why, in his own words, at the 18-minute, 20-second point when you click on this link to access the archived recording of September 4’s meeting. At the October 1 Full Board gathering, current MCB4 Chair Jessica Chait announced Gregory Morris as the person who’d been appointed to take the membership slot made available by LeFrancois departure. That’s especiall of interest to the CLU committee–Chait noted that Morris would now serve as CLU C0-Chair, a leadership position previously held by LeFrancois. (Click here to watch Chait’s announcement of that development, at the 1-hour, 8-minute, 40-second point).

With that having been established, back to business: Any application for a change or variance from the Zoning Resolution must come before the Community Board for its review. The Board’s position must be considered in the final determination of these applications. Gregory Morris and Kerry Keenan are CLU Co-Chairs. Pamela Wolff is a Public Member. The general membership is comprised of Viren Brahmbhatt, Maarten de Kadt, Paul Devlin, Candice Hewitt, David Holowka, Josephine Ishmon, Inge Ivchenko, Burt Lazarin, Betty Mackintosh, Chenise Mitchell, Michael Noble, Brad Pascarella, Hector Vazquez, and Rodney Washington. As of this article’s publication, the October 21 meeting’s agenda had yet to post on this link provided by MCB4. To attend via Zoom, click here.  To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 420-721-312). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Budget Task Force: Wednesday, October 23, 6pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580). | Community Boards are Charter mandated to produce an annual Statements of Community District Needs and Budget Requests. Together, these documents are intended to support communities in their ongoing consultations with city agencies, elected officials and other key stakeholders. In addition, MCB4 drafts a written response to the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget. The Budget Task Force meets multiple times throughout the year. Click here watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Executive Committee (EXEC): Monday, October 28, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | To attend the meeting via Zoom, click here. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 916-5217-3279). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Cannabis Task Force (CTF): Tuesday, October 29, 6:30pm Online via Zoom & YouTube and In-Person at the MCB4 Office (424 W. 33rd St., Suite 580) | Click Here to view the September CTF meeting. | Formerly known as the Cannabis Working Group, CTF operates with a three-pronged mission: (1)  keep track of and advise MCB4 and the public about relevant NYS cannabis laws, regulations, licensing, and enforcement; (2) provide feedback to the Office of Cannabis Management and Cannabis Control Board, on proposed cannabis regulations and licensing applications; and (3) provide recommendations to MCB4 on its role in the licensing and siting of cannabis-related businesses. Delores Rubin is CTF’s Chair. Its members are Wendy Gonzalez, Raul Larios, Sanford Miller, Allen Oster, Rodney Washington, and Tina Nelson.

As of this article’s publication date, the Agenda was TBD. To attend via Zoom, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805 (when prompted to enter the Webinar ID, it’s 813-4049-4919). Click here to watch the meeting live or access it after-the-fact via MCB4’s YouTube channel. For info about all things MCB4, their website can be found by clicking here.

Note: This editorial content was made possible, in part, by a 2024 pledge of financial support from Chelsea Market.

—END— (CCNews) is an independent, single-owner online newspaper providing news, arts, events, and opinion content to Manhattan’s Chelsea community and its adjacent areas (Flatiron/NoMad and Meatpacking Districts, Hudson Yards, Hell’s Kitchen, Broadway/Times Square, and the Penn Station area).  Our editorial content is made possible by advertising revenue, grants, quarterly pledges of support, and voluntary reader donations (click here for our GoFundMe campaign). To join our subscriber list, click here to receive ENewsletters containing links to recently published content–as well as an occasional “Sponsored Content” email featuring an advertiser’s exclusive message. is a member of the New York Press Association (NYPA) and the Empire State Local News Coalition. Our content is collected for placement in the United States Library of Congress’ LGBTQ+ Studies Web Archive. (“We consider your website to be an important part of  the historical record,” read a July 26, 2019 email.) Our freelance reporters have been recognized by NYPA’s annual Better Newspaper Contest, with Honorable Mention wins for Best News or Feature Series  (2021, 2023). CCNews is a three-time winner in the Coverage of the Arts category (First Place and Honorable Mention, 2022 and Third Place, 2023).


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