‘First Family’ of Licensed Pot Purveyors Presents Convincing Case to CB4 Cannabis Working Group

‘First Family’ of Licensed Pot Purveyors Presents Convincing Case to CB4 Cannabis Working Group

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Buoyed by equally effective “justice served” and “family business” backstories, the proprietors of the legal cannabis dispensary expected to open at 158 West 23rd Street found a mostly receptive audience at an informational presentation they gave to Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4). The Thursday, August 24 online gathering (click here to […]

Flame Con 2023 Tackles Tragedy and Controversy

Flame Con 2023 Tackles Tragedy and Controversy

BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | New York City’s LGBT Nerd convention, Flame Con, had its seventh live incarnation August 12 and 13, marking the second in-person version since COVID caused the live con scene to collapse in 2020. Cosplayers, gamers, and comic book enthusiasts gathered at the Sheraton Times Square for two days of fabulous fandom. While […]

Guest Opinion: Outdoor Dining is Here to Stay in NYC

Guest Opinion: Outdoor Dining is Here to Stay in NYC

BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | This past week, we made it official: outdoor dining is here to stay. New Yorkers were hungry for an outdoor dining program that was cleaner, safer, and healthier. And by signing a new bill to bring al fresco dining to all five boroughs, we’ve delivered for them. Our new outdoor dining program, […]

This Week In & Around Chelsea: August 21-27, 2023

This Week In & Around Chelsea: August 21-27, 2023

Here’s What’s Happening “This Week In & Around Chelsea” Salsa and Bachata Brunch / CB4 Presents an Online Informational Session Regarding a W. 23rd St. Cannabis Dispensary /  Movies in the Park / Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery / Fresh Food for Seniors / Fitness Boot Camp /   Salsa and Bachata Brunch: Sunday, August 27, […]

This Week In & Around Chelsea: August 14-20, 2023

This Week In & Around Chelsea: August 14-20, 2023

Here’s What’s Happening “This Week In & Around Chelsea”  CB5 Presents MTA’s Penn Station Plan / ¡Arriba! on the High Line  /  Blues BBQ Festival / Movies in the Park / Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery / Fresh Food for Seniors / Fitness Boot Camp /  Black Girls CODE Summer Camp / 10th Precinct Sector B […]

Guest Opinion: Affordable Homes for New Yorkers

Guest Opinion: Affordable Homes for New Yorkers

BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: New York City is home to people from all over the world. We may eat different foods and speak different languages, but in the end, we all want things: jobs, good schools for our children, public safety, and a chance to live the American Dream. A central part of that […]

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