Here’s What’s Happening In & Around Chelsea Pick of the Week / CB4 Committee Meetings: ACES & BLP / Vinyl Nights / 10th Precinct Sector C Build the Block Meeting / Upcoming Events: The London Terrace Street Fair / Ongoing Events: Free Fitness Boot Camp, Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery, Fresh Food for Seniors / […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Reactivated last year after a period of pandemic-era downtime, the West Side Community Fund (WSCF) is a consortium of leading companies based on Manhattan’s west side. It’s also the best friend an underfunded good idea could have—the kind that comes bearing encouraging words backed by a generous check! Each grant cycle […]
On August 28, 2023, the NYC Council’s Committee on Land Use voted on a Special Permit for Madison Square Garden. To view the archived recording on the Council’s YouTube channel, click here. Chelsea Community News solicited comment from three individuals representing groups or organizations with strong opinions on the matter. Their responses comprise the following Guest Opinion pieces. […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Buoyed by equally effective “justice served” and “family business” backstories, the proprietors of the legal cannabis dispensary expected to open at 158 West 23rd Street found a mostly receptive audience at an informational presentation they gave to Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4). The Thursday, August 24 online gathering (click here to […]
Here’s What’s Happening “This Week In & Around Chelsea” Movie Night Under the Stars / Movies in the Park / Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery / Fresh Food for Seniors / Fitness Boot Camp / Movie Night Under the Stars: A FREE Event on Wednesday, August 30, 6:45pm at Gansevoort Plaza (9th Ave. & Gansevoort […]
BY CHARLI BATTERSBY | New York City’s LGBT Nerd convention, Flame Con, had its seventh live incarnation August 12 and 13, marking the second in-person version since COVID caused the live con scene to collapse in 2020. Cosplayers, gamers, and comic book enthusiasts gathered at the Sheraton Times Square for two days of fabulous fandom. While […]
It’s sad to find out a store you’ve shopped at for years is suddenly no longer there. But those who can no longer find Landmark Wine & Spirits at its decades-old 167 West 23rd Street location need not mourn the loss of a longtime local business. They need only cross the street and walk less […]
The Chelsea Reform Democratic Club (CRDC) gathered for a BBQ on August 6, at a storied location befitting the annual summertime event. Held at Frying Pan NYC (207 12th Ave. at Pier 66), the BBQ “was a success,” said Layla Law-Gisiko (who is, along with David Warren, newly elected as a CRDC District Leader). Among […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Whether business, education, or recreation in nature, new arrivals to a neighborhood will come to find that the likelihood of sustained success accelerates by leaps and bounds if you’ve got some steadfast friends in your corner—or on your block (or around the corner, as the case may be). That’s certainly been […]
Creative, witty, and dedicated, Chelsea resident Laura Solimene has been giving her time and talents to support the community engagement efforts of the West 400 Block Association. Such volunteerism certainly merits a little special recognition, perhaps even a gesture of appreciation. Flowers are always nice—but what if she’s allergic? It’s got to be something that […]