BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Sector A, B, and C first quarter meetings of the 10th Precinct’s Build the Block program have been announced, and we’ve got the details for you. But first:

The four Police Officers in the photo to the left are among a group who joined the 10th Precinct last week, some of them arriving directly from the Academy.
Since then, these newest members of the 10th Precinct have been seen patrolling the neighborhood on foot, familiarizing themselves with the lay of the land—above and below ground.
Chelsea Community News had a sighting late Tuesday afternoon on W. 23rd St. & Eighth Ave., as a sizable contingent of Police Officers made their way above ground, having just finished an assignment at the C/E 23rd St. subway stop.
NYPD Build the Block meetings, which are held quarterly, provide an opportunity to interact with the two-person NCO (Neighborhood Coordination Officer) team responsible for their assigned sector. NCOs have dedicated hours every week during which they walk their sectors in order to create new contacts and strengthen eistig relationships with residents, business owners and others. The 10th Precint has three Sectors: A, B, and C—while the 13th Precint, which is responsible for some sections of easternmost Chelsea, has four Sectors: A, B, C, and D.
Click here to find your Build the Block meeting. Enter in your address, and the search result yields info on your Sector, along with contact info for your NCOs and the date/location of their next meeting. As these dates are scheduled far in advance, the NYPD offers this caveat: “All meeting times, dates, and locations are subject to change. Please call your local precinct and speak to a Neighborhood Coordination Officer to verify correct meeting information.” It’s a good idea to check in on the day of the scheduled meeting, as plans do sometimes change on short notice (in which case the 10th Precinct’s Twitter account, @NYPD10Pct, is a reliable source for last-minute info).
As of January 11, this is what we found using the link provided above:
Sector A Build the Block Meeting
Thursday, January 26, 5pm at the Joyce Theatre (175 Eighth Ave.)
Sector A’s area of coverage is W. 14th St. to W. 21st St., Seventh Ave. to the Hudson. Your Sector A Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are:
PO William Lleras | Email:
PO Taimoor Ahmad | Email:
Sector B Build the Block Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 6pm at Penn South (343 Eighth Ave.)
Sector B’s area of coverage is the north side of W. 21st St. to south side of W. 29th St., from Seventh Ave. to the Hudson. Your Sector B Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are:
PO Dylan Darnaud | Email:
PO Daniel Bavuso | Email:
Sector C Build the Block Meeting
Thursday, March 30, 6pm at Manhattan Plaza (400 W. 43rd St.)
Sector C’s area of coverage is W. 29th St. to W. 43rd St., Ninth Ave. to the Hudson. Your Sector C Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) are:
PO Marian Bencea | Email:
PO Daniel Sendrowski | Email:
The 10th Precinct Community Council: Wednesday, January 25, 7pm via Zoom
The citizen-run Council meets at 7pm on the last Wednesday of the month, via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Council President Larry O’Neill hosts the event, which typically sees 10th Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Robert Gault on hand to discuss the latest crime statistics, trends, and enforcement efforts. O’Neill then moderates a Q&A session in which Gault responds to attendee questions regarding local matters of concern. Electeds and City representatives are often in attendance, and usually amenable to taking questions from neighborhood residents, business owners, and other stakeholders who typify the turnout. (Sometimes, when attending at the behest of O’Neill, they’ll speak for a few moments or make a brief presentation, as was the case with September, 2022’s Council meeting at Penn South: A Standing-Room-Only affair, and one of the few times since the pandemic that the Council convened as a live public gathering. NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher and representatives from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office were there, speaking to the gathering and making themselves availabe afterwards as well.
Also likely to attend Council meetings, whether live or via Zoom, are 10th Precinct detectives, Community Affairs officers, and other staff, often called upon by Gault when the topic turns to their area of expertise. Note: Follow the Community Council on Facebook by clicking here. O’Neill posts the Zoom link on the Council’s Facebook page–and the information for January’s meeting is there already, in a January 11 posting. So visit and follow the page, yes, but since you’re here, we’ll aslso give you that info. At close to 7pm on January 25, use this link to join the 10th Precint Community Council Zoom meeting: The Meeting ID is 814 8873 1820. The Passcode is 036623. To attend via phone/one-tap mobile, dial 646-558-8656.
And one more thing:
Formerly assigned to the 10th Precinct as part of his enrollment in the NYPD’s Cadet Corps program, PO McCallister (seen in the below photo ) is now patrolling Chelsea as a 10th Precinct Police Officer. Congratulations!

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