Eviction Prevention 101 / West Side Community Fund Grant Applications Due March 10 / NYS Assembly Member Tony Simone’s Inauguration and Community Celebration / Community Cleanups / The Guides Association of New York City’s Ninth Annual GANYC Apple Awards / The Legacy of Former Colored School No. 4 / The West 400 Block Association’s St. Patrick’s Event: Sunday, March 12, 11am at Clement Clarke Moore Park (10th Ave. & W. 22nd St.) / Apply by March 22 for the Manhattan DA’s High School Summer Internship Program / EVENTS from earlier in the week (listings revised 3/3/2023): Full Board Meeting of Manhattan Community Board 4 / Andra Gabrielle: Trunk Show /
Eviction Prevention 101: Friday, March 3, 4-5pm via Zoom | New York State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Mobilization for Justice present this tenants’rights event that begins by acknowledging, “Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers are brought to Housing Court by their landlords,” whether over rent or s. sother issues. This training will cover what to do if your landlord brings you to court, available programs that can assist with rent, and other resources to prevent eviction and stabilize your housing. There will be a Q&A session after the presentation. RSVP for this Zoom meeting at bit.ly/HoylmanHousing.
West Side Community Fund Grant Applications Accepted Through March 10| The West Side Community Fund (WSCF) is a collective of leading West Side-based companies whose grant program supports initiatives delivering much-needed services to those in Chelsea, Hudson Yards, and Hell’s Kitchen. Eligible applicants include neighborhood organizations, block and tenants’ associations, non-profits, city agencies, schools, health clinics, NYCHA projects, police-community programs, religious institutions, homeless facilities, etc. Individuals who deliver services, such as teachers, are also eligible. Apply at westsidecommunityfund.org. The deadline for the current round of grants is Friday, March 10 (recently extended from original Feb. 27 date). Grant recipients will be announced in April.
NYS Assembly Member Tony Simone’s Inauguration and Community Celebration: Saturday, March 4, 2:30pm at Hudson Guild’s Fulton Center (119 Ninth Ave. btw. W. 17th & 18th Sts.) | On the job in Albany since the start of 2023 and already vocal on a number of hot local topics (click here for what he says about Gov Hochul’s dubious Penn Station plan), Democrat Tony Simone is the successor to Richard Gottfried (Assembly District 75’s rep in Albany for 52 years). Now, it’s time to make it official. To that end, Simone invites the public to his Inauguration and Community Celebration on Saturday, March 4, at Hudson Guild’s Fulton Center (119 Ninth Ave. btw. W. 17th & 18th Sts.). Doors open at 2pm, and the program runs from 2:30pm to approximately 4:30pm. It’s free and open to the public. To attend, please RSVP via bit.ly/SimoneInauguration, as there is limited capacity. To access Assembly Member Simone’s online presence, click here. For the Hudson Guild website, click here. To view Simone’s remarks to CB4 on the matter of Penn Station–and other matters, click here (starts at 14:00 minutes, ends at 21:30 minutes).
Community Cleanups with NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher | Sunday starting this weekend through May 21 (with only 1 date taken “off”), the District 3 Council Member whose area of coverage represents the West Village, Chelsea, and Hell’s Kitchen areas invites citizen volunteers to clean house–by cleaning up their streets. Facilitating a tidy and inviting environment is one of the actions the Council Member has been advocating for since before he was running for that office. Years later, this annual tradition continues, now until the chilly winter of 2023. To participate, click here. For more info, see the below flyer.

The Guides Association of New York City’s Ninth Annual GANYC Apple Awards: Monday, March 6; cocktails at 6:30pm, awards ceremony at 8pm; at Kaufman Music Center’s Merkin Hall (129 W. 67th St. btw. Broadway & Amsterdam) | Founded in 1974, The Guides Association of New York City (GANYC) is an association of independent, professional tour guides. Each member is licensed by the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. Since 2015, their annual Apple Awards have honored individuals and organizations that encourage and promote New York City tourism, culture, and preservation. “Those who know New York best honor the best of New York!” is the rallying cry (Motto? T-shirt slogan?) of the Apple Awards–and for the 2023 edition, Chelsea Community News is indeed honored to be nominated in the category of Outstanding Achievement in NYC Essay/Article/Series Writing. In the running: Lynn Ellsworth and Samuel A. Turvey’s Guest Opinion piece, What Will it Take to Kill a Bad Idea at Penn Station. Click here to read that Opinon piece. Other categories include Outstanding Achievement in Support of NYC (individual awards for Culture, Tourism, and Preservation), Outstanding NYC Website, and Outstanding Achievement in NYC Food. Veteran anchor, journalist, and theater critic Roma Torre hosts this year’s awards ceremony.Good luck to all of the nominees in every category–and thanks, GANYC, for recognizing our work! For more info on the association and their awards, click here to visit the GANYC website. For a direct link to purchase tickets to the Apple Awards, click here.

The Legacy of Former Colored School No. 4: Tuesday, March 7, 6-7pm via Zoom | This event from the Historic Districts Council (HDC) sees the advocacy-minded preservationist organization furthering their mission to “work directly with people who care about our city’s historic neighborhoods and buildings.” Many care, yes—and lucky for us, some exceptional members of that group are compelled by circumstances to become a spokesperson for brick and mortar buildings in need of a champion. The three-story structure at 127 West 17th Street (once known as “Colored School No. 4”) found the first of many ardent supporters in 2018, when author, Black New Yorker, and public independent historian Eric K. Washington happened upon “Colored” School No. 4 while conducting research for a book. He soon realized it was Manhattan’s only known surviving segregated school building for African Americans, from the Civil War through the Post-Reconstruction era. With that fact in hand (and discovering new evidence all the time), Washington initiated efforts to landmark the building—an effort whose supporters now include architects, historians, preservationists, elected officials, and—as reinforced by recent events—the NYC Landmark Commission itself. This March 7 online event invites you to learn more about the notable teachers, students, and visitors associated with this Black heritage site. The person giving the presentation? Eric K. Washington himself. For tickets ($25 general admission, $20 for seniors & friends), click here. To visit the event’s HDC web page, click here. For more info about Washington, click here.
The West 400 Block Association’s St. Patrick’s Event: Sunday, March 12, 11am at Clement Clarke Moore Park (10th Ave. & W. 22nd St.) | This free event previews the actual 3/17 “Day” by booking a bagpiper and providing “lucky” shamrock (aka 4-leaf clover) plants, and more (not to be confused with “Moore”). For more info, see the below flyer.
The Manhattan District Attorney’s High School Summer Internship Program: In-Person, July 10-August 25 / Application Deadline is Wednesday, March 22, 5pm | The Manhattan District Attorney’s High School Internship Program is a rigorous internship that provides students with an insider’s view of the criminal justice system. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in workshops and discussions surrounding criminal justice, police brutality, civic engagement, leadership, and more. All applicants must live or attend school in Manhattan and be current sophomores, juniors, or seniors. For more info, click here, email highschoolinternship@dany.nyc.gov, or call Imani Doumbia, Education Coordinator, at 917-808-6421… and see the below flyer!

Full Board Meeting of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4): Wednesday, March 1, at 6:30pm via Zoom | CB4’s full membership meets on the first Wednesday of the month, with the bulk of the agenda devoted to reviewing letters generated by its eight committees during the previous month. (Many letters get majority vote approval, some are sent back to committee, and others are approved pending agreed-upon changes; rarely are they voted down.) As for the letters this time around: Of particular interest to our regular readers is a letter generated by the Waterfront, Parks, & Environment Committee after their February 9 meeting. Click Here to view that meeting, now preserved in Internet amber via CB4’s YouTube channel. Go to the 1:06:26 point, where you can view the Dog Run discussion from the beginning). The letter CB4’s full board will vote on is Agenda Item 11. The upshot is this quote, noting that CB4 gives its “approval of the NYC Parks proposal to create a new dog run in Chelsea Park.” For some of our recent coverage of CB4/Penn South Dog Run, click here. Make your opinion on this matter—or any matter, for that matter—known by participating in the Public Session, where you’re given two minutes of uninterrupted time to address the Full Board. To participate, you must first register for the Zoom meeting by clicking here. Then click here to sign up to speak. Those who do not sign up in advance can raise their virtual hands using the raise hand function through Zoom (*9 by phone) once the public session starts. Don’t want to register? View Live Stream via CB4’s excellent YouTube channel (which allows you to watch the proceedings, but not participate.). To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805.

Andra Gabrielle: Trunk Show / Thursday, March 2, 5pm to 8pm at 1HomeOffice .Space (245 Eighth Ave. btw. W. 22nd & 23rd Sts.) | Chelsea—and the world at large—is invited to celebrate the Grand Opening of a new workshare, conference, and media destination, when its creators open their doors to the public in the interest of championing the work of Andra Gabrielle, a world-class artist whose custom-made clothing has earned critical raves and been worn by household names such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts, and Susan Sarandon. Get to know, appreciate—and yes, purchase—Gabrielle’s work, in this no-pressure, community minded, wine-friendly setting. To register, click here. For artist info via the Andra Gabrielle Custom Clothing website, click here
—Listings Compiled by Scott Stiffler
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