Like Phoenix from the ashes (or maybe Sleeping Beauty), the Chelsea West 200 Block Association (CW200BA) emerges from a long snooze to take its place among the many active Chelsea block associations.
On December 4, the CW200BA (encompassing 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd Sts., 7th to 8th Aves.) held its second membership meeting of the year—up close and in-person!
The first meeting, held in April via Zoom, established a new order with the election of officers. A brief statement was made describing the long history and the mission of the BA. There were 34 residents in attendance.
Our December meeting matched the first in number of attendees, but this time we were all together in a welcoming space—at the Chelsea Shul on West 23rd Street. Our president, Jesenko Vukadinovic, introduced speakers: Jarett DiLorenzo from the 10th Precinct; Rabbi Wolff, our host; Ben Lowenstein from NYS Assemblymember Tony Simone’s office; Jordan Feiner from NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher’s office; and Brian Mattlin, a guest from the 200 West 25th Street Block Association. Our surprise guest was the Council Member himself, who led a lively discussion on matters of hyperlocal interest, as well as broader topics in Council District 3.
Our next planned events will be announced by email to our membership list, and will be posted throughout our blocks via paper flyers.
All who live within our blocks are welcome to become members and receive our mailings. For more information, send an email to chelseawest200blockassociation@gmail.com.
Happy Holidays to all!
Pamela Wolff (Treasurer, Chelsea West 200 Block Association)

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