Here’s What’s Happening This Week In & Around Chelsea
The Full Board of Manhattan Community Board 4 / From 50 the Future: A Hip-Hop Exhibit at Chelsea Market / Apply to serve on your Manhattan community board / NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher in Conversation with NYS Attorney General Letitia James
The Full Board of Manhattan Community Board 4 (MCB4): Wednesday, February 7, 6:30pm Online via Zoom and In-Person at the Hotel Trades Council (305 W. 44th St. btw. 8th & 9th Aves.) | The full membership of MCB4 convenes Feb. 7, for the second time under the leadership of Jessica Chait (click here for our recent Q&A with MCB4’s new Chair). Click here to view the agenda and draft versions of letters generated by individual committees and voted on by the Board’s full membership. A letter might be approved as is, or pending changes the Board has just discussed. In rare cases, a letter is sent back to committee for more work. But that’s not the only thing on the agenda. Just as lively are the meeting’s other signature elements: Updates from elected officials or their reps, and a Public Session that lets you speak directly to the Board (uninterrupted and usually for 2 minutes). To register for the meeting and view it via Zoom, click here. To view the live stream via CB4’s well-curated YouTube channel, click here. Note: Zoom registration allows you to sign up for a slot in the Public Session. Early sign-up to speak closes at 4pm on the day of the meeting. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the meeting for those attending in person. Regustration to attend via Zoom also lets the public put their names down to speak during the Public Hearing session scheduked atop the evening’s Agenda. It gives the public a chance to weigh in onn 2 matters to be taken up y the fu board later in the meeting–the City of Yes Economic Opportunity Proposal and NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2025. To attend the meeting via phone, call 646-518-9805 (when prompted, the Webinar ID s 986 0945 5541). For info about all things CB4, you’ll find it on their website, which can be reached by clicking here. Can’t attend in real time? View it at your convenience, via CB4’s YouTube channel (click here).
From 50 to The Future: An Art Exhibit On View Through Mid-March, at Chelsea Market (W.15th St. & Ninth Ave.) | Life-sized mixed-media paintings of influential, iconic hip-hop artists such as Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and The Notorious BIG—and other biggies—populate this art exhibit all along the main concourse of Chelsea Market. The show celebrates Hip-Hop culture, its pioneers, contemporary artists, and how the genre will continue to evolve in the future. Curated by Creative Director, Zaire Baptiste, “From 50 to The Future” features artwork from Renaissance artist Voodo Fe’, renowned street artist UnCutt Art (creator of the “Protect Yo Heart” movement), and Tyson Hall, an actor and visual artist whose artwork represents the future of Hip Hop artists and their cultural impact. Adding to the visual appeal, an immersive component recreates the performances of famous artists. This event takes placce along the Market’s main concourse, which makes it a free, at-your-own pace event.

Through Friday, February 23, Applications Accepted to Join Your Local Manhattan Community Board | Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine has opened Community Board applications at this link. For our recently published news item providing more details about the application process, click here. Note: Chelsea Community News recently conducted a Q&A with Jessica Chait, the new Chair of Manhattan Community Board 4. To read it, click here. Among our questions: “What should potential applicants know about the challenges and rewards of this volunteer position?” To see what it really takes to serve, click here and click here to visit, respectively, the YouTube channels of Manhattan Community Board 4 and Manhattan Community Board 5. There, you’ll find recordings of past committee and full board meetings, where the months-long (sometimes years-long) process of bringing a topic from first discussion to hard-won fruition has been preserved in Internet amber, accessible to you and yours 24/7/365. To visit, respectively, the CB4 and CB5 websites, click here and click here.

—Calendar listings compiled by Scott Stiffler
Chelsea Community News is an independent, hyperlocal news, arts, events, info, and opinion website made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers and the support of our readers. Our Promise: Never a paywall, no pop-up ads, all content is FREE. With that in mind, if circumstances allow, please consider taking part in our GoFundMe campaign (click here). To make a direct donation, give feedback, send a Letter to the Editor, or contact our founder/editor, send an email to Scott Stiffler, via
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—Listings Compiled by Scott Stiffler
Chelsea Community News is an independent, hyperlocal news, arts, events, info, and opinion website made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers and the support of our readers. Our Promise: Never a paywall, no pop-up ads, all content is FREE. With that in mind, if circumstances allow, please consider taking part in our GoFundMe campaign (click here). To make a direct donation, give feedback, send a Letter to the Editor, or contact our founder/editor, send an email to Scott Stiffler, via
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