Ralph’s Sets Up Italian Ices Shop on Seventh Just in Time for Summer

Ralph’s Famous Italian Ices & Ice Cream is now a thing in Chelsea. | Photo by Scott Stiffler

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | A storefront at 196 Seventh Ave. (between West 21st and 22nd Streets) that stood shuttered for months is now home to a new business–and no, its not a smoke shop. It’s something cooler. Much, much cooler.

Ralph’s Famous Italian Ices and Ice Cream (“New York’s favorite Italian Ice since 1928”) is betting Chelsea will have (or quickly develop) an appetite for their time-tested, great-tasting Italian Ices (and ice cream).  The much-loved, family-owned “Ralph’s” opened on Seventh just this Wednesday–and there are already, at times, lines to secure one of their many variations of Ices, in dozens of flavors. They’ve even got a special menu of “Pup Cups” for canines.

Photo of the “Pup Cups” menu by Scott Stiffler

Chelsea Community News (CCNews) stopped by on Friday (June 14) afternoon, and–despite not knowing what an “Arctic Shake” was (it’s the “Ice” version of a milk shake)–took a leap of faith and ordered a large, banana-flavored one that arrived with a spoon and straw that were both effective agents to ensure the entire thing wasn’t consumed in seconds, the second after that first taste.

There’s more to this story, because there’s so very, very much more on the menu. We’ll be back soon with a Q&A with the family (Craig, Rich, and Andrew). Meantime, check that menu out for yourself during Ralph’s official hours of operation: Sunday through Thursday, 11:30am-11pm and Friday/Saturday, 11:30am-11:30pm.

Do you know of a young person looking for a summer job? Rich asked CCNews to let it be known that the Chelsea store is ready and willing to hire some locals! Stop by 196 Seventh Ave. for details. To visit their website, click here.

Photo by Scott Stiffler


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2 Responses to "Ralph’s Sets Up Italian Ices Shop on Seventh Just in Time for Summer"

  1. Pingback: Ralph’s Returns to its Sweet Spot on Seventh - Chelsea Community News

  2. Pingback: 100 Flavors Inside, Pups and People Outside: Ralph’s Ices Brings the Heat to Chelsea - Chelsea Community News

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