BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS: New York City is home to people from all over the world. We may eat different foods and speak different languages, but in the end, we all want things: jobs, good schools for our children, public safety, and a chance to live the American Dream. A central part of that […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Whether business, education, or recreation in nature, new arrivals to a neighborhood will come to find that the likelihood of sustained success accelerates by leaps and bounds if you’ve got some steadfast friends in your corner—or on your block (or around the corner, as the case may be). That’s certainly been […]
Creative, witty, and dedicated, Chelsea resident Laura Solimene has been giving her time and talents to support the community engagement efforts of the West 400 Block Association. Such volunteerism certainly merits a little special recognition, perhaps even a gesture of appreciation. Flowers are always nice—but what if she’s allergic? It’s got to be something that […]
How very appropriate that the Chelsea West 200 Block Association’s recently updated logo (seen on the left) is anchored by a towering tree whose thick trunk implies deep roots. As one of the neighborhood’s very first block associations, West 200 was instrumental in establishing and inspiring the practice of lining Chelsea’s side streets with the […]
BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | As mayor, it is my sacred duty to keep New Yorkers safe. I campaigned on making New York City a safer place to live, work, and raise a family, and now, after a little over a year and a half in office, we continue to see the results. Shootings are […]
Here’s What’s Happening “This Week In & Around Chelsea” Ginetta’s Vendetta at Chelsea Green Park / Movies in the Park / Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery / Fresh Food for Seniors / Fitness Boot Camp / Wellness Wednesdays / Next Week In & Around Chelsea: ¡Arriba! on the High Line / Black Girls CODE Summer Camp […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | A professional dog walker’s habit of scoping out new surroundings in the service of protecting his furry charges appears to have done just that, during Tony the Dog Walker’s very first visit to Chelsea Park Dog Run. Joining him on July 31’s opening day were Lucky, a white lab, and Pika, […]
BY MICHAEL MUSTO | Spoiler alert! Yes, the car flies! And it does so much more dexterously than in the lame 2005 Broadway adaptation of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. In fact, the car is a DeLorean that lights up, turns, zooms, spins, and eventually levitates over the orchestra seats, then turns upside down. With people […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | What goes round and round, draws young and old with its distinctive calliope sound, and is capable of transporting grown adults back to a time when they couldn’t wait to ride a horse whose trajectory was more up and down than straight ahead? If you said, “A carousel,” you’re either good […]
BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | Last week, we announced our plan to take down unsightly sidewalk sheds and reclaim our streets. Sidewalk sheds—which many New Yorkers also known as scaffolding—are the ugly green and metal boxes that cover our sidewalks. They block the sunlight, keep pedestrians away from businesses, and are a magnet for […]