To attend a full board meeting of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) is to burrow into the marrow of community concerns such as affordable housing, public parks projects, landmarking efforts, and liquor license renewals. But before the full board sinks their choppers into such meaty matters, CB4’s eight individual committees are the first stop in the process. The letters they generate—submitted for a vote when the full board meets on the first Wednesday of the month—articulate CB4’s approval, disapproval, or recommended actions regarding a particular topic. The public is invited to attend, and speak up, at these monthly committee meetings.
With that in mind, here’s a rundown with the lowdown on all February, 2023 CB4 committee meetings (with bonus Full Board preview). All dates/times/locations were current as of 1/30/23 and are subject to change. Please visit MCB4’s Online Calendar or call the MCB4 office (212-736-4536) for confirmation. Check them out on Social Media. Facebook: Manhattan Community Board 4. Twitter: @manhattanboard4.
CANCELLED: Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen Land Use Committee (CHKLU) on Wednesday, February 8 at 6:30pm via Zoom | Regular monthly meetings are expected to resume in March.
Waterfront, Parks & Environment Committee (WPE) on Thursday, February 9 at 6:30pm via Zoom | Closed last month by the NYC Parks & Recreation Department at the behest of CB4, the late Penn South Dog Run is in the midst of getting a new leash—sorry, lease—on life, via an ongoing dialogue involving CB4, Parks, and the suddenly displaced doggie parents for whom the Penn South run was a much-needed, close-to-home source of exercise and socialization. With the Full Board having given its blessing to Parks’ exploration of Chelsea Park as the location for a new, permanent Dog Run, this WPE meeting welcomes the “practically permanent fixture” Parks Department back yet again. This time, they’re expected to arrive with some specs (and schematics) detailing the logistics involved in creating a Dog Run from three of six currenty existing handball courts. In addition to the Dog Run matter, the WPE will also give its preliminary response to CB4’s Budget Requests, and will see a presentation from Hudson Yards Development Corporation (HYDC) regarding potential designs for Bella Abzug Park, blocks five and six. Regarding Old Business, the WPE will discuss, and vote on, a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers, regarding their proposal for a Coastal Storm Protection project. To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 935 1888 4814).
Arts, Culture, Education & Street Life Committee (ACES) on Monday, February 13 at 6:30pm via Zoom | The Open Session is an opportunity for community members to share their perspectives with us on issues that are important to them connected to Arts, Culture, Education, & Street Life. To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 961 6164 5211).
Business License & Permits Committee (BLP) on Tuesday, February 14 at 6:30pm via Zoom | New liquor, wine, beer & cider license applications will be discussed for: 773 10th Avenue—Frena Mediterranean LLC; 500 W. 33rd Street a/k/a 20 Hudson Yards, Unit RU507—BSTHY LLC; and 635 W. 42nd Street—LGY Concepts Inc. Alteration/Class Change/Method of Operation/Corporate Change Applications will also be under review for establishments including 458 9th Avenue, The Wrecking Club LLC (seeking to increase hours to 2am Sunday-Wednesday; 4am Thursday-Saturday & removal of wrecking room). To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 996 7780 9240).
Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) on Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30pm via Zoom | There will be a presentation by Eastern Coach Inc. regarding their Intercity Bus Stop Permit Application at West 31st Street (btw. 8th & 9th Aves.), followed by a vote. To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 973 3488 0256).
Housing, Health & Human Services Committee (HHHS) on Thursday, February 16 at 6:30pm via Zoom | A presentation by the NYC Right to Council Coalition seeks support of a resolution to provide legal representation for all tenants facing eviction and small landlords facing foreclosure. Another presentation, this one from the Hogar (a NYC Department of Homeless Services & Social Service provider) concerns a temporary hotel sanctuary shelter on W. 39th St. The third presentation on on the agenda is from NYC Health + Hospitals, regarding the Watson Hotel (440 W. 57th St.) Asylum Shelter. To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 955 2999 9182).

Chelsea Land Use Committee (CLU) on Tuesday, February 21 at 6:30pm via Zoom | Two presentations, followed by a committee vote, are scheduled. The first, from the Community Board-led Public Bathroom Task Force, concerns a proposed text amendment to privately owned public spaces (POPS). The second presentation concerns an application by the Church of the Holy Apostles (296 Ninth Ave) to install a lamp post. Elsewhere on the evening’s agenda, the CLU will discuss, and then vote on, the matter of repair work to the terra cotta façade of the Bayview building at 550 W. 20th St. As the building’s future as a possible affordable housing site is discussed, CB4 is very much concerned that its one-of-a-kind design features and rare aesthetic flourishes aren’t damaged or destroyed—this effort to protect terra cotta elements of Bayview’s exterior is one such example of CB4’s ongoing preservation efforts. To view the CB4-created PDF titled “Bayview Chelsea CB4 Presentation,” click here. To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Meeting ID: 420 721 312).
Executive Committee (EXEC) on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30pm via Zoom | To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 916 5217 3279).
Full Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30pm via Zoom | To register for online attendance, click here. To attend via telephone, call 646-518-9805 (Webinar ID: 986 0945 5541).
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