Once a month, the full membership of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4) meets to, among other things, vote on letters whose calls to action and recommendations originated from the previous month’s committee meetings–where the real action is! All committee and Full Board meetings of CB4 are being held virtually, via Zoom, through 2023. Meeting dates, times, locations and agendas are current as of 3/31/2023 and are subject to change. For more info, click here to visit the CB4 website. To confirm meeting info, send an email to jbodine@cb.nyc.gov, negonzalez@cb.nyc.gov, and jpretente@cb.nyc.gov. Below, find a rundown on all April committee meetings. Note: This piece was published on April 3 and we’ll be adding more info about what’s on the agenda as CB4 makes that info public. Also Note: Missed a meeting? It happens to the best of us. Fortunately, CB4 maintains a well-curated YouTube channel, where you can livestream (but not partiipate in) all of its meetings, and access them after-the-fact in archive form. To visit the channel, click here.
ARTS, CULTURE & STREET LIFE COMMITTEE (ACES) | Mon., April 10, 6:30pm | The Open Session is an opportunity for community members to speak about topics related to the committee’s themes of arts, culture, education, and street life. Following that, Dr. Larissa Laskowski of NYU Langone will give a presentation on preventing teen fentanyl overdose. Elsewhere on the agenda, the New York Public Library (NYPL) and DYCD will discuss AdultEducation programing and ESOL Programs. Also tentatively scheduled is an update on the West 45th Street Clean Curb Program. To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 961 6164 5211).
BUSINESS, LICENSES & PERMITS COMMITTEE (BLP) | Tues., April 11, 6:30pm | The committee will review new Liquor, Wine, Beer & Cider license applications as well as Alteration, ClassChange, Method of Operation, and Corporate Change applications. New Wine, Beer&Cider License applications will also be considered. To register, click here. To attend via phone, dial 646-518-9805. Webinar ID: 996 7780 9240.
CANCELLED / CLINTON/HELL’S KITCHEN LAND USE COMMITTEE (CHKLU) | Wed., April 12, 6:30pm | To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 961 7200 0913).
CANCELLED / WATERFRONT, PARKS & ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE (WPE) | Thurs., April 13, 6:30pm | NYC Parks will give a presentation on the temporary artwork installation (Ritual One) at DeWitt Clinton Park, on view from April through July. To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 935 1888 4814).
MCB4 BY LAWS TASK FORCE | Mon., April 17, 4pm-5pm | To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 852 3820 0208).
CANCELLED / CHELSEA LAND USE COMMITTEE (CLU) | Mon., April 17, 6:30pm | To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 420 721 312).
TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMITTEE (TPC) | Wed., April 19, 6:30pm | To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 973 3488 0256).
HOUSING, HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE (HH&HS) | Thurs., April 20, 6:30pm | Tentatively scheduled: The NYC Right to Council Coalition will give a presentation geared toward tenants facing eviction and small landlords facing foreclosure. To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 955 2999 9182).
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (EXEC) | Mon., April 24, 6:30pm | On the Agenda: NYU Capstone will give a presentation on access and connectivity on the far West Side of CB4’s coverage area. (NYU Wagner’s Capstone Program, it notes, provides students with the centerpiece of their graduate education…Capstone teams spend an academic year addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for clients, or conducting research on a pressing social question—in a complex and real-world environment.) Elsewhere on the Agenda, there will be a discussion about CB4 shifting to a “hybrid” meeting format, in which public business is conducted both via Zoom and in-person. The EXEC Chair will report on CB4’s active Task Forces and Working Groups, and other points of interest. Prior to a review of Old/New Business that conclude the meeting, a District Office Report covers the upcoming May installment of monthy Ful Board meetings, and the committee schedule for that month as well. To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 916 5217 3279).
FULL BOARD MEETING | Wed., May 3, 6:30pm | A presentation/vote on the updated design plans for 675 Avenue of the Americas is schedule. To register, click here. To attend by phone, dial 646-518-9805 (webinar ID: 986 0945 5541).
—Compiled by Scott Stiffler
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