This Week & Beyond, Multiple Opportunities to Meet with Chelsea’s 10th & 13th Precincts

This Week & Beyond, Multiple Opportunities to Meet with Chelsea’s 10th & 13th Precincts

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Members of the general public with questions and opinions about the current state of crime and the overall quality of life in Chelsea–and that’s a lot of you–have two types of recurring opportunities to take those concerns to local NYPD leadership. Build the Block meetings are official NYPD events typically hosted by NCOs, or Neighborhood […]

‘Arrest to Disposition’: An Aug. 25 Online Presentation from the Manhattan D.A.’s Office

‘Arrest to Disposition’: An Aug. 25 Online Presentation from the Manhattan D.A.’s Office

Dear Chelsea Community News Reader: Below, please see a press release announcing an online event we’re proud to present, in partnership with the London Terrace Tenants Association. Please consider joining us for this look inside the mechanizations of the NYPD, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and the court system. —Scott Stiffler, CCNews founder/editor   For Immediate Release: Aug. […]

Chelsea Precinct’s Pilot Programs Fully Funded by NYC Police Foundation Grants

Chelsea Precinct’s Pilot Programs Fully Funded by NYC Police Foundation Grants

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Sweat is the one price they’ll pay—and they’ll pay plenty—when 10 promising young people from our area find themselves immersed in a new NYPD program designed to help them realize their full potential as athletes. Chelsea’s 10th Precinct is picking up the tab for the free, two-week Summer Sports Camp, whose […]

13th Precinct Goes All In for National Night Out

13th Precinct Goes All In for National Night Out

National Night Out is, as their website notes, “an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live… Neighborhoods host events with safety demonstrations, seminars, youth activities, and more.” Locally, the 13th Precinct (whose area of coverage includes slivers of easternmost Chelsea) observed National […]

Coordinated Effort Proving Effective at Sidelining Sidewalk Shed’s Shielding of Drug Use, Sales

Coordinated Effort Proving Effective at Sidelining Sidewalk Shed’s Shielding of Drug Use, Sales

BY WINNIE McCROY | The pandemic-demanded reimagining of Manhattan as something less than a 24/7 source of retail, restaurant, and nightlife opportunities made it seem like the city that never sleeps had gone into hibernation. Tourists left in droves and have yet to return in comparable numbers; residents sheltered in place shortly after sundown; and unhoused […]

No Respite for West 30s Residents, After Hundreds Housed in Hotels

No Respite for West 30s Residents, After Hundreds Housed in Hotels

BY WINNIE McCROY | With its many shelters providing resources for at-risk individuals, Midtown Manhattan has long been welcoming to the unhoused. But when the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) compensated for the COVID-19 complications of existing facilities by relocating hundreds of people under their care onto two blocks in the upper West 30s, […]