The 10 Most Annoying Types of People in the Pandemic

The 10 Most Annoying Types of People in the Pandemic

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | The health crisis has brought out the best in medical workers, who have stepped up to the plate with courage and honor, but others haven’t fared quite so well. In fact, the pandemic-generated combination of fear, anger, grief, and isolation has brought out the worst in these people, as they recklessly […]

My CoviDiary: The May Entries

My CoviDiary: The May Entries

Below, find the latest diary entry, then all other May content. Click here for the April entries. Click here for all March entries . My CoviDiary is reprinted, with the author’s permission, from its original publication via My CoviDiary, 5/30/2020: A Tale of Two Tweets BY MAX BURBANK | In the course of my […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Diva Runs

Writing the Apocalypse: Diva Runs

“Writing the Apocalypse” is a weekly series featuring the poems of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Diva Runs | By Puma Perl ——————————————————————————– She runs down the block when she sees me Juliet watches from her doorway, a safe six feet away   […]

Writing the Apocalypse: It’s Not New, It’s Not Normal

Writing the Apocalypse: It’s Not New, It’s Not Normal

“Writing the Apocalypse” is a weekly series featuring the poems of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s Not New, It’s Not Normal | By Puma Perl Dedicated to the memory of Bob Sztabnik and all of your loved ones ——————————————————————————– Can we please […]

Writing the Apocalypse: “Charlie Time”

Writing the Apocalypse: “Charlie Time”

“Writing the Apocalypse” is a weekly series featuring the poems of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Charlie Time | By Puma Perl I wake at 3:56 AM Alone in the bunker Sleeping has become napping The minutes disappear like hours at the Spahn […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Poetry by Puma Perl

Writing the Apocalypse: Poetry by Puma Perl

Apocalyptic Rehab | By Puma Perl Every day is different, and every day’s the same   Sleep patterns vary It’s more like giving in than waking up and, like a good patient, I diligently make my bed and never return to it during daylight hours   Over morning coffee, Cynthia and I text message and […]

My CoviDiary: The April Entries

My CoviDiary: The April Entries

Below, find the latest diary entry, then all other April content. Click here for all March entries. My CoviDiary is reprinted, with the author’s permission, from its original publication via   My Covi Diary, 4/30/2020: Funny, But Not Plausible BY MAX BURBANK | Two stories took place in the world outside my head today […]

Waiting for the Parade: A Poem by Puma Perl

Waiting for the Parade: A Poem by Puma Perl

Waiting for the Parade   I still smell the garbage on 10th Street Rotten bananas mixed with baby shit spoiled milk marijuana mildew Daily News covered in piss Yellowing in the fading sun Headline: Ford to NY Drop Dead   It was the third year of the Halloween Parade An unseasonably cool night, the winding crowd […]

Enter ‘Exit’: Peter Michael Marino Goes Online with Tale of $6 Million Musical, Made & Unmade

Enter ‘Exit’: Peter Michael Marino Goes Online with Tale of $6 Million Musical, Made & Unmade

Desperately Seeking the Exit: Online Live | In 2007, American actor/writer Peter Michael Marino wrote a musical based on the Madonna film Desperately Seeking Susan, featuring the hit songs of Blondie. It opened on London’s West End… and closed a month later. Whoops! This high-octane, comical solo train ride fills in the blanks of how […]

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