The Homeless and Urban Planning Connection

The Homeless and Urban Planning Connection

BY JOHN MUDD, PRESIDENT, MIDTOWN SOUTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL | Urban planning has failed to preserve and/or build communities, especially within Manhattan’s Midtown Southwest. Although a relevant subject, it’s beyond the scope of this single article to accurately examine. Thankfully, there are studies, books, and history that detail the misdeeds of the past. Distinguished Professor of […]

CRDC Panel Sees City Reps, Residents, Advocates Discuss Future of Fulton Houses

CRDC Panel Sees City Reps, Residents, Advocates Discuss Future of Fulton Houses

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | While the last of the June 20 thunderstorms had passed through New York City by the start of the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club’s monthly community meeting at Hudson Guild’s Elliott Center, a downpour of passion continued to pound the Chelsea community. The night’s panel program, called NYCHA’s Fulton Housing Debate, brought together […]

Grassroots in Full Bloom at CRDC’s May Meeting

Grassroots in Full Bloom at CRDC’s May Meeting

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Frontline advocates for statewide reform in the areas of criminal justice, election law, education, campaign finance, and healthcare reported on their Albany wins and losses, at the May 16 general meeting of the Chelsea Reform Democratic Club (CRDC), held at the Hudson Guild Elliott Center. With a newly elected Democratic majority […]

SILENT BATTLE: Remembering D-Day

SILENT BATTLE: Remembering D-Day

June 6, 1944, Normandy, France: 24 hours on Utah Beach with an Assault Reconnaissance Engineer BY RICK CARRIER Storm gray, rain heavy sky. Battleships fill the horizon, north to south, guns aflame. Fiery tracers fly low overhead, etch sparkling strings of color. The pow-kapow of big enemy guns, shoot right at me.   Surging assault […]

Making Space for Artists in New York City

Making Space for Artists in New York City

BY PATRICIA JONES (Executive Director of Westbeth) | New Yorkers have long taken pride in our city’s cultural wealth. From Lincoln Center to the Met Museum to the Downtown dance scene and Off-Off Broadway theaters, New Yorkers care about the arts. This pride is particularly strong in the Village, a community that has been a […]