This Week in Chelsea: November 15-21, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: November 15-21, 2021

In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA” In Order of Appearance: CRDC’s Empire Station Complex Forum  / Informational Meeting: Proposed National Register Historic District / GVCCC’s 10th Precinct Tour / 10th Precinct Sector B Build the Block Meeting / Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea Monday, November 15, 7pm via Zoom: Empire Station Complex Forum […]


‘Safer Chelsea, Now!’ is Group’s Goal: Petition Put Forth to Hasten its Happening

‘Safer Chelsea, Now!’ is Group’s Goal: Petition Put Forth to Hasten its Happening

NOTE: Chelsea Community News is reprinting the following with the permission and encouragement of its authors. BY THE COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP OF ADVOCATES FOR CHELSEA | We, residents and business owners in the low-20s blocks of Chelsea between 8th and 9th Avenues, call on the 10th Precinct of the NYPD, Community Board 4, and our City […]


This ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ Ponders the Past–And the Possible

This ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ Ponders the Past–And the Possible

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | An inquisitive nature and a still small voice with no off switch can curse the beast who treads the earth—and walks the boards! On the plus side, it makes for some crackerjack contemplative entertainment. Such is qwethe case with Trav S.D., the stage and pen name of our Chelsea Community News […]


‘Mischief’ of Rats Wreaking Havoc on West Chelsea Historic District

‘Mischief’ of Rats Wreaking Havoc on West Chelsea Historic District

NOTE: This is Part I of our report. Part II will publish tomorrow (Fri., Nov. 5, 2021) BY BONNIE ROSENSTOCK | A group of rats is called a “mischief”—which is nowhere near as whimsical as it sounds when they’re running over your feet, or announcing their presence with evidence that remains long after they’ve retreated into a […]


Runway Ready Rovers Rule as Meatpacking’s Doggie Costume Contest Returns with a New Leash on Life

Runway Ready Rovers Rule as Meatpacking’s Doggie Costume Contest Returns with a New Leash on Life

ALL PHOTOS BY IRI GRECO & JIM FRYER / BrakeThrough Media | | Saturday, October 30: As part of their 11am-5pm pedestrian-friendly Treats in the Streets event, Meatpacking (the Business Improvement District) made up for lost time and then some, when their annual Doggie Costume Contest returned with a stellar lineup of  imaginatively costumed, four-legged […]


Scenes from a Chelsea Green Halloween

Scenes from a Chelsea Green Halloween

PHOTOS TAKEN BY, OR COURTESY OF, FRIENDS OF CHELSEA GREEN | Halloween in the year of the vaccine was nothing like 2020, when COVID-19 precautions compelled event organizers to cancel what would have been the second annual observance of late October festivities in the beloved West 20th Street pocket park located between Sixth and Seventh […]

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