BY MICHAEL MUSTO | Even though a lot of today’s drag queens steer away from punny names, I think it’s important to emphasize those types of appellations because they’re just so damned hilarious, and there’s so much history behind them too.
Well, I’ve given you the best such noms de plumage before, and now I’ve cooked up (and culled) a whole new batch of them, and I’ve included drag kings too. Here’s what I think the queens and kings should be called.
Aloe Vera
Angela Transbury
Arlene Cuisine
Bai Lingual
Bella DaBall
Bipolar Abdul (an actual person)
Blood Flo
Carte Blanche
Christian Martyr
Cody Pendant
Crimea River
Deena Discipline
Dolly Lama
Dominant Jeane (another real person)
Enema Crackers
Etta Mommy
Freesia Ballzoff
Gail Warning
Genna Side
Gigi Barnum
Ginger Chicken
Gladys Negative
Gnu Rochelle
Halle Tosis
Hilary Muff
Ina Kleina
Ivana Proper-Burial

Ivy Drip
Jean Genie
Jo Mama
Joy Luck
Katy Did
Kay O’Pectate
Kaye Pasa
Kirsten Dunce
Laura DaLand
Mara Lago
Marcia Gay Hardon
Marsha Law
Mary Mount
Mercedes Bends
Mira Crack’d
Miriam Webster
Miss Ann Thrope
Molly Ringworm
Myrtle Avenue
Natalie Would
NoLita Holloway
Odia Thinkso
Old Gray Mare
Paris Original
Peppa Steak
Petra von Kunt
Pia Yourpants
Pfizer Minnelli
Poly Relationship
Pro Joyce
Raisa Red Lantern
Renee Phleming
Rhonda Santis (This one was on a popular meme)
Rita Tofilth (and of course, her cousin, Rhetta Tofilth)
Ruth Less
Sari Wrong-Number
Scarlet Ibis
Sheila Bortya
Shirley Not
Spring Fever
Stephanie J. Cockblock
Summer Clearance
Sybil War
Tamara Never-Dies
Tiffany Lamps
Tracy N. Hepburn
Urethra Franklin
Vadge the Manicurist
Vestal Parkway
Vestal Virgin
Violet Behavior
Abel N. Willing
Beto Blockers
Carson Ogenic
Clark County
Clay Pigeons
Colin Oscopy
Devlin Miss Jones
Franco File
Hugh Rang
Ivan Ho
Jess Kidding
Lime Ricky
Mike Drop
Neil Down
Nico Time
Perv Griffin
Power Serge
Ringo Fire
River Wild
Rock Bottom
Warren Piece
Will N. Testament
Yul B. Sorry
Yul B. Swell

Sam and Janet Evening

Michael Musto is a columnist, pop cultural and political pundit, NYC nightlife chronicler, author, and the go-to gossip responsible for the long-running (1984-2013) Village Voice column, “La Dolce Musto.”
His work regularly appears on this website as well as Queerty.com and thedailybeast.com, and he is writing for the new Village Voice, which made its debut in April of 2021. Follow Musto on Instagram, via @michaelmusto.
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