BY MICHAEL MUSTO | I never get tired of coming up with drag queen names because it’s a chance to be punny and funny and a little bit incorrect. Here goes—and I’ll not only include a few actual drag queens’ names, I’ll follow that with some names for the drag kings, too.
NOTE: Want more, more, more of Musto’s drag queen and drag king names, free for the taking? To access his past columns on the topic, click here and click here.

Ada Lott
Aida Phallus
Aimee Semple McFaghag
Aleta Buffet
Alexa Stop
Alma Mater
Anita Pardon
Anne Howe
Annie Wednesday
Anya Back (an actual drag queen)
Autumn Sonata
Banana Mouskouri
Bea Altman
Bette Noire
Broccoli Florets
Brooklynn Heights
Carmel Apples

Carmen Dioxide (an actual drag queen)
Carrie Dragshaw (ditto)
Charity Deduction
Chastity Belt
Chelsea Commons
Cher Sound
Clare Boothe Luce Stools
Crystal Light
Delta Flight Status
Disgrace Jones
Effi Breasts
Farrah Nuff
Garlic Nan
Hanukkah Lewinsky (another real queen)
Henrietta Hudson
Hoda Pickles
Honey Wasabi
Ida Pantswearer
Ima Bottom
Ivana Husband
Ivy League (a real queen in Provincetown)
Jen Z
Lady Remington
Luba Butthole
Madame Ovary
Madison Cleaners
Marcie Beaucoup
Maya Pologies
Mira Ball
Miriam Webster
Miss Diagnosis
Miss Gendering
Olive Loaf
Pauline Kale
Payton Place
Penny Serenade
Petty LuPone
Polly Blend
Puff the Magic Drag Queen
Raisa Sharp
Raspberry Spritzer
Rhea Lignment
Robin U. Blind
Rose Bowl
Sherry Netherland
Shirley Jism
Shirley Not
Sierra Leone
Sis Gender
Sloane Kettering
Slow School Barbie
Stella Dallas-Fort Worth
Sybil War
Tara Alert
Tawdry Hepburn
Tilda Morning
Tish Hospital
Tovah Felchyou
Tuesday Knight
Westminster Abby
Winsome Losesome
Zsa Zsa Gaboring
Arthur Avenue
Benedict Canyon
Christo Fascist
Clay Mation
Dom Top

Frank Lloyd Wrong
Glenn-Gary Glenn Ross
Gregory Pecker
Hugh Dawg
Hugh G. Rection (someone’s actual handle on Twitter)
Jerry Duty
Juan Singular Sensation
Justin Credible (A real person’s moniker)
Marcel Waves
Mel O’Drama
Miles Away
Rico Charges
Rocco Gibraltar
Sex Ed
Sid Seizure
Yves Plumb

Michael Musto is a columnist, pop cultural and political pundit, NYC nightlife chronicler, author, and the go-to gossip responsible for the long-running (1984-2013) Village Voice column, “La Dolce Musto.” His work appears on this website as well as and, and he is writing for the new Village Voice, which made its debut in April of 2021. Follow Musto on Instagram, via @michaelmusto.
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