This Week in Chelsea: December 23-29, 2019

This Week in Chelsea: December 23-29, 2019

Through Monday, December 23: “23 Days of Flatiron Cheer” | Monday, Dec. 23 marks day 23 of The Flatiron Partnership’s annual “23 Days of Flatiron Cheer” which offered  hot beverage giveaways, a prize wheel featuring gifts from local businesses, tote bags with discounts for holiday shopping, free winter wellness workout classes, a social media contest, activities, […]

Dec. 22: Chanukah Menorah Lighting at Chelsea’s Clement Clarke Moore Park

Dec. 22: Chanukah Menorah Lighting at Chelsea’s Clement Clarke Moore Park

The West 400 Block Association (21st, 22nd, 23rd Sts.) invites one and all to celebrate the first candle lighting, at their annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting event. The story of Chanukah will be told by New York State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried. Bring goodies to share! For more info, email the West 400 Block association, via The […]

Heat or Hot Water Off in Your Building? Here’s What to Do

Heat or Hot Water Off in Your Building? Here’s What to Do

There are enforceable standards to protect you from winter’s bitter cold—as Chelsea’s 10th Precinct of the NYPD reminded us, in a public safety-minded message sent via Twitter. We’re passing it along. Follow the 10th Precinct on Facebook, via #NYPD10PCT and on Twitter, via @NYPD10Pct. For more info, click here. The 10th Precinct tweeted: “If the […]

This Week in Chelsea: December 16-22, 2019

This Week in Chelsea: December 16-22, 2019

Dec. 21-25, “A Swinging Birdland Christmas” at Birdland Jazz Club | The wonderfully charismatic and terribly talented trio of Klea Blackhurst, Jim Caruso, and Billy Stritch stretch their holiday tradition into its tenth year, with 2019’s run of  A Swinging Birdland Christmas. In the much-loved manner of beloved seasonal specials of days gone by, Blackhurst, Caruso, and […]

In Town Through Dec. 15, ’29 Rooms’ Joins Wave of Returning Pop-Ups

In Town Through Dec. 15, ’29 Rooms’ Joins Wave of Returning Pop-Ups

BY CHARLES BATTERSBY | New York City has, without a doubt, entered the point of real estate inflation where storefronts are so expensive that retailers can’t justify signing a year-round lease, but clever marketing juggernauts can profit from temporary pop-ups that offer live experiences which build brand awareness, but don’t need to turn a long-term […]

Honey Davenport’s ‘Stocking Stuffer’ Packs the Promise of a Holiday Show Like No Other

Honey Davenport’s ‘Stocking Stuffer’ Packs the Promise of a Holiday Show Like No Other

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Sweetness, as her first name implies, is an essential ingredient in the Honey Davenport recipe for drag. But dig into any given slice of her perfectly baked pie, and you’ll also detect distinct notes of purpose, pride, attitude, activism, and, yes, good old-fashioned filth. Davenport’s ability to serve substance alongside sugar […]

This Week in Chelsea: December 9-15, 2019

This Week in Chelsea: December 9-15, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 5-8pm: Fulton Houses Tree Holiday Lighting and Party | All are invited to this annual Fulton Houses event, which begins with food and holiday merriment, then the tree lighting at around 6:30pm. At 419 W. 19th St. (btw. 9th & 10th Aves.). Monday, December 9, 6:30-8:30pm: Auditions for a 2020 Dance-themed Hudson […]

Win Tix to Honey Davenport’s Dec. 15 NYC Show!

Win Tix to Honey Davenport’s Dec. 15 NYC Show!

Friday, December 13 will be a lucky day, at least for the winner of this week’s “Win Stuff” contest. Just email your answer to this trivia question to by 3pm on Thursday, Dec. 12. Then, a winner will be chosen at random, via names literally drawn from a hat. The Trivia Question: Name another […]