BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | When we came into office 20 months ago, we promised we would “Get Stuff Done” for New Yorkers and New York City. Our most recent Mayor’s Management Report (MMR) shows that our administration has been doing just that in ways that improve our quality of life and our city’s economic […]
BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | Not only is New York City the greatest city in the world, it is the safest big city in America. Since day one of this administration, public safety has been our priority. And for the last 20 months, we have delivered on our promise to drive down crime. Our precision […]
Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741 National Suicide Prevention Week began with World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) recognizes the entire month of September as National Suicide Prevention Month, a moment in time, they say, “in which we rally the […]
BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | There’s been a sea-change in our dance and performance art communities. Building since before the pandemic, it is now firmly entrenched. The first inkling of the shift came years ago, when the proportion of Bessies (New York Dance and Performance Awards) won by BIPOC artists began to rise dramatically. On August […]
Here’s What’s Happening In & Around Chelsea Pick of the Week / CB4 Committee Meetings: ACES & BLP / Vinyl Nights / 10th Precinct Sector C Build the Block Meeting / Upcoming Events: The London Terrace Street Fair / Ongoing Events: Free Fitness Boot Camp, Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery, Fresh Food for Seniors / […]
Here’s What’s Happening In & Around Chelsea Manhattan Community Board 4’s HHHS Committee meeting / /Vinyl Nights / High Line Open Studios / Upcoming Events: The London Terrace Street Fair / Ongoing Events: Free Fitness Boot Camp, Retrospection/Continuance at Hudson Guild Gallery, Fresh Food for Seniors / Past but Present: Events From Earlier This Week (CB4 […]
BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS | This week, our children will head back to school for the first day of the new school year. School supplies have been gathered, backpacks are being filled, and alarms will soon be set for the early mornings once again. Whether you’re new to New York City public schools or […]
Here’s What’s Happening This September, In & Around Chelsea Manhattan Community Board 4 Full Board Meeting / Vinyl Nights / High Line Open Studios / The 10th Precinct Sector C Build the Block Meeting & Community Council Meeting / London Terrace Street Fair / The Full Board Meeting of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4): A Hybrid […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Reactivated last year after a period of pandemic-era downtime, the West Side Community Fund (WSCF) is a consortium of leading companies based on Manhattan’s west side. It’s also the best friend an underfunded good idea could have—the kind that comes bearing encouraging words backed by a generous check! Each grant cycle […]
On August 28, 2023, the NYC Council’s Committee on Land Use voted on a Special Permit for Madison Square Garden. To view the archived recording on the Council’s YouTube channel, click here. Chelsea Community News solicited comment from three individuals representing groups or organizations with strong opinions on the matter. Their responses comprise the following Guest Opinion pieces. […]