BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | You gotta hand it to New York City Center, where the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is in residence through December 19. Two works had world premieres on the night of Friday, December 3, followed by the evergreen hit Revelations. I was to review the program. On the subway heading to […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Having made its May 2020 debut as outdoor space repurposed to alleviate the social distancing concerns of COVID-19, New York City’s Open Streets initiative introduced the notion of closing certain blocks to most vehicular traffic for up to 12 hours daily. Eighteen months later, the program that temporarily transfers custody of […]
BY ALLEN OSTER | On Sunday, November 28 in the late afternoon, Chelsea residents gathered in Clement Clarke Moore-Seal Park to celebrate Chanukah, “The Festival of Lights.” Allen Oster, past president of the West 400 Block Association, welcomed a crowd of several dozen adults and children as the sun was beginning to set. […]
BY PAMELA WOLFF (President, Save Chelsea)| Chelsea, and New York, are again the losers in the game played by city agencies—supposedly champions of public interest—and the self-interested real estate industry. This time we lost a large chunk of our history. It is a gut punch of a public spectacle—the demolition of all nine landmarked […]
From the 10th Precinct’s Facebook presence comes this tribute to a neighborhood fixture for whom caring means carrying out a family tradition. It read: “Meet your [PS11] crossing guard Cathy. She has served the Chelsea community for 43 years! She’s been a Chelsea resident for 73 years! Cathy followed in her mother’s footsteps, who had […]
Re: Coming Cornucopia is Cause of Community Council’s Cancellation (news, Nov. 23, 2021) To the Editor: Thank you for the recent article in Chelsea Community News on local police Precinct 10 [Community Council] meetings in Chelsea. Unfortunately, as stated in the article, the last two meetings were only in-person. The November meeting (cancelled) also posted as in-person […]
In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA” In Order of Appearance: 23 Days of Flatiron Cheer / 80’s Ladies II: The Mixtape / Chanukah Celebration at Chelsea Green/ Chelsea Waterside Park Phase II Groundbreaking / Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea / Clement Clarke Moore Park Tree Lighting / Hudson Guild Gallery Exhibit / […]
BY EIZABETH ZIMMER | If supply chain issues are threatening your holiday shopping plans, consider one or both of these fascinating new books, which will provide hours of pleasure and enlightenment without requiring you to visit a store or a theater. Martha Ullman West grew up in Greenwich Village and graduated from Barnard College, the […]
In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA” In Order of Appearance: Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea / Chelsea Community Church / Menorah Lighting at Clement Clarke Moore Park / Citizens Committee Grant Info Session / Hudson Guild Gallery Exhibit / Full Board Meeting, CB4 Saturdays, rain or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to […]
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Writing the Apocalypse was a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of NYC resident Puma Perl. Then came the vaccine, and hope–and uncertainty. And so, from time to time, Perl will return to continue Writing the Apocalypse. Ticket to Hell | TEXT & PHOTOS BY PUMA PERL (unless noted otherwise) Scientists say […]