Slices of the Tenderloin #1: Williams and Walker

Slices of the Tenderloin #1: Williams and Walker

BY TRAV S.D. | For Black History Month, we present you with weekly slices of the Tenderloin, the now-defunct New York City neighborhood that at its furthest extent ran between 24th and 62nd Streets between Fifth and Eighth Avenues, thus overlapping with modern Chelsea. The Tenderloin was so-named by a local police captain who relished […]

Chelsea Choreographers Confront the Pandemic, in the Country and on Zoom

Chelsea Choreographers Confront the Pandemic, in the Country and on Zoom

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | Chelsea has, per capita, a high percentage of creative artists; we’re surrounded by dance theaters, and within a few blocks of my Penn South apartment I found four contemporary choreographers. They’re all, of course, challenged by our yearlong pandemic restrictions. I asked each a few questions about what they’ve lost and […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Clarity

Writing the Apocalypse: Clarity

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Clarity | BY PUMA PERL As the snow purifies the streets, my apartment turns inward, like a cave.   Huns stride across the screen trampling […]

Writing the Apocalypse: After Inauguration

Writing the Apocalypse: After Inauguration

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. After Inauguration| TEXT AND PHOTOS BY PUMA PERL After Inauguration   There will be poems.   Images recalling Michelle Obama Purple, Jill Biden Periwinkle […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Everything is Something

Writing the Apocalypse: Everything is Something

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything is Something | BY PUMA PERL The world as we knew it has ended.   Early in the mornings, I take pictures to […]

The 150 Best New Drag Names: Try One On!

The 150 Best New Drag Names: Try One On!

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | I love a good drag name because it not only encompasses clever wordplay, but it can also be refreshingly incorrect, because it’s only a name, after all, and drag queens are supposed to shake up societal norms. I’ve written for years about the best drag names, and now I’ve dreamed up […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Third Street Christmas

Writing the Apocalypse: Third Street Christmas

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Third Street Christmas | BY PUMA PERL The apartment was drafty and full of poems. There were three eggs in the refrigerator. Gypsy had stuffed […]

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