BY MARK de SOLLA PRICE | Every British school child knows the rhyme: Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Well, I might not be fully British but I am not fully American either. Happily, Tea & […]
ALL PHOTOS BY IRI GRECO & JIM FRYER / BrakeThrough Media | | Saturday, October 30: As part of their 11am-5pm pedestrian-friendly Treats in the Streets event, Meatpacking (the Business Improvement District) made up for lost time and then some, when their annual Doggie Costume Contest returned with a stellar lineup of imaginatively costumed, four-legged […]
Save Chelsea is a broad coalition of organizations and individuals concerned with preserving the integrity of the Chelsea Historic District and maintaining as varied a mix as possible of economic, social and generational populations in our neighborhood. To visit our website, click here. Chelsea Community News is made possible with the help of our […]
TEXT & PHOTOS BY JOEY DAYTONA | I’d been working in Midtown when the virus hit (03/03/2020). I saw a guy on the subway sneeze into his hand and then touch the seat. I had that unsettling feeling that this would not end well. I was also determined to get a car and drive […]
TEXT BY INGE IVCHENKO with PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE LONDON TERRACE TENANTS ASSOCIATION AND OTHERS, AS NOTED | On behalf of the London Terrace Tenants Association (LTTA) Board, we want to thank all of you who stopped by Saturday, September 25’s 29th Annual London Terrace Street Fair. It was a gorgeous, picture perfect day in the […]
Note: The following is reprinted, with permission, from a September 15, 2021 blog by Ed Hamilton, for his Living with Legends: Hotel Chelsea Blog (“The Last Outpost of Bohemia”). To access the original, click here. BY ED HAMILTON | David Bard, beloved former general manager of the Chelsea Hotel, passed away on Tuesday, September 14, on […]
Saturdays, rain or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to Earth Farmers Markets has once again put down roots in Chelsea (on W. 23rd St. near Ninth Ave.). By and large, it’s the same experience as it’s always been (fresh products, friendly people), albeit with a few notable nods to pandemic protocol. (Face masks for those […]
To The Editor: We all celebrate the lessening of COVID-19 and its accompanying restrictions. But there is a bright—or at least, ironic—side to having so many aspects of our daily routine altered. The pandemic created a multitude of unintended practices and policies that would enhance our lives: Open Streets, awareness of parking spots as public […]
Editorial Snapshot: My American Pastime BY DONATHAN SALKALN Chelsea Community News is made possible with the help of our awesome advertisers, and the support of our readers. If you like what you see, please consider taking part in our GoFundMe campaign (click here). To make a direct donation, give feedback, or send a Letter to […]
TEXT BY CLAUDIA CAPLAN, PHOTOS BY PAUL GRONCKI | The block of W. 16th St. between Sixth and Seventh Aves. is fortunate to have one of the first examples of Queen Anne architecture in Manhattan, designed by architect Sidney V. Stratton. It is located at 120, and is designated a landmark structure. Its history is one […]