Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Re: Chelsea Green Charms Neighborhood, After Years of Grassroots Efforts (news, July 26, 2019): A beautiful day to open the very beautiful Chelsea Green park. It was a delight to see little kids frolicking in the miniature sprinklers, which are just the perfect size for them. There was a veritable parking lot of strollers at […]

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Re: CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses (news, July 19, 2019) The whole concept of selling off publicly owned properties to private developers in order to get cash to maintain other public properties is fundamentally wrong. What could be more shortsighted? Public housing, like public parks, should be maintained by taxpayers. […]

Trump Was The One Who Ruined My Fourth

Trump Was The One Who Ruined My Fourth

BY MAX BURBANK | It’s been about a week, and I still can’t figure it out. Because you know I love me some Fourth of July. I mean, it’s got two things I’m a total sucker for: Non-violent, brightly colored ordinance exploding in the sky, and the dramatic tension caused by the reverent celebration of […]