Officers Often Assigned to Problematic Corner Transferred; Council Member Bottcher Convenes with City Agencies, NYPD at 21st & 8th

Members of the NYPD and various NYC agencies gather at W. 21st & 8th Ave., at the behest of NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher (center, near brick wall, w/white shirt & tie). | Photo by Max Guliani

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The sidewalk scaffolding that long served as cover for open-air narcotics sales and a myriad of quality of life infractions including urination and intimidation may be gone—but the corner of West 21st Street and Eighth Avenue continues its reign of geographic infamy. Of particular concern is the loitering-outside, once-busted-for-fencing-inside cornershop, nearby adult store Rainbow Station, and—in close proximity to it all—elementary school PS11 (just around the corner, at W. 21st St. btw. 8th & 9th Aves.).

With Chelsea Community News having covered goings-on along the troubled corridor here, here, here, here, and here (and many more times over the years), we were also there last month, on May 29–when the location was a topic of concern at the most recent 10th Precinct Community Council meeting. (Held on the last Wed. of the month except for its annual June through August hiatus, W. 21st & 8th is almost always discussed, whether at the prompting of residents in attendace or within the context of precinct leadership’s own remarks.).

Four Officers announced in a Jan. 1, 2024 tweet sent by the 10th Precint, are now serving at Midtown South. | Fike photo via 10th Precinct Twitter account

The precinct’s Commanding Officer, Captain Alexander R. Brathwaite, noted with regret the loss of Police Officers who had consistently been assigned in pairs to be a presence on the corner and in the surrounding area. The four Officers, recent Police Academy graduates, arrived at the 10th Precinct early this year, short of the eight that were expected. Now, reported Capt. Brathwaite, “We lost our Officers,” who’ve been “put in Midtown South [Precinct] for the summer. That’s four less cops, and we lost another two today.”

Undaunted, Capt. Brathwaite gave assurances that the corner would still receive attention—in particular, from his NCOs (Neighborhood Coordination Officers) and himself. “I walk by the block every day” while on the way to/from work, noted Capt. Brathwaite, who told of engaging with some regulars by, to their surprise, calling them by name and recommending they leave the area. As of late, he added, there have been no “narco complaints” stemming from in or near the store on the southwest corner, while 10th Precinct Officers did issue “24 summonses” and made four arrests, “two for assault in the Second Degree and two for Assault in the third degree.”

Nearly two weeks later—on Wednesday, June 12, NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher called for the convening of City agencies and the NYPD to the corner in question. In a Thursday, June 13 posting on his Facebook page (click here to access it), Council Member Bottcher noted, “Yesterday I brought Chiefs from the NYPD’s Central Division, 10th Precinct and senior officials from the Department of Social Services and Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to the corner of 21st & Eighth to discuss public safety concerns and social service delivery failures at this location and others like it in Council District 3. We received a commitment for a surge in homeless outreach services by DSS, more strategies in partnership with narcotics officers to address drug dealing, and other steps to help address a situation that is truly unacceptable. As we enter the warm summer months, much more needs to be done to ensure the safety of residents, workers, visitors and the unhoused.”

NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher (foreground) and others convened at W. 21st St. & 8th Ave. on June 12. | Photo by Max Guliani
A participant in the June 12 gahering organized by NYC Council Membe Erik Bottcher. | Photo by Max Guliani


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  1. Pingback: 10th Precinct Briefs: New Officers; Nat. ‘Night Out’ Locally; ‘X’ Hits & Misses; Meetings, Upcoming & Missed - Chelsea Community News

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