This Week in Chelsea: January 20-26, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: January 20-26, 2020

Monday, January 20 through Wednesday, January 22 | Water service interruptions are coming to Chelsea, as the neighborhood’s 10th Precinct of the NYPD told us, via Twitter. We’re passing it along. Follow the 10th Precinct on Facebook, via #NYPD10PCT and on Twitter, via @NYPD10Pct. The 10th Precinct tweeted: “ATTN: Chelsea, there will be a water service interruption […]

Open House Opened Wide, the Arts Offerings at The Shed

Open House Opened Wide, the Arts Offerings at The Shed

The cultural center with the retractable shell pulled back the veil on Jan. 11, with Meet at The Shed, a free-admission event that saw 6,000 visitors attend its first-ever open house. Having made its debit in April 2019, the new Hudson Yards destination dedicated to commissioning, producing, and presenting performing arts, visual arts, and pop […]

Rally Takes Housing Crisis to State Capitol

Rally Takes Housing Crisis to State Capitol

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Bill de Blasio won his election for mayor of New York City on the bedrock of a Charles Dickens book titled A Tale of Two Cities. It is an 1859 story about the disparity between rich and the poor, where “we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.” The […]

Water Service Interruptions Raining Down on Chelsea, Jan. 20-22

Water Service Interruptions Raining Down on Chelsea, Jan. 20-22

Water service interruptions are coming to Chelsea, as the neighborhood’s 10th Precinct of the NYPD told us, via Twitter. We’re passing it along. Follow the 10th Precinct on Facebook, via #NYPD10PCT and on Twitter, via @NYPD10Pct. The 10th Precinct tweeted: “ATTN: Chelsea, there will be a water service interruption on Monday 1/20 through Wednesday 1/22. See […]

Shanghai Ballet Brings ‘Swan Lake’ to Town

Shanghai Ballet Brings ‘Swan Lake’ to Town

BY CHARLES BATTERSBY | Nutcracker season is just barely over, and a new bevy of ballet is swooping down on New York, with feathery wings. There are productions of Swan Lake in the months ahead, and leading the flock this weekend is the Shanghai Ballet’s 80-dancer-strong Grand Swan Lake. Derek Dean directed and staged the […]

This Week in Chelsea: January 13-19, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: January 13-19, 2020

Tuesday, January 14: Housing Attorneys On Site at Speaker Johnson’s District Office | New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson’s office offers a monthly housing clinic for tenants, to assist with housing issues, including landlord harassment/disputes. Attendees receive legal advice from housing attorneys on a first come, first served basis. The clinic takes place on […]

On West 14th Street, Scaffolding Heralds Haven for the Homeless

On West 14th Street, Scaffolding Heralds Haven for the Homeless

Paul Groncki, president of the 100 West 16th Street Block Association, captured this Thurs., Jan. 9 image of construction at 114 W. 14th St. (btw. Sixth & Seventh Aves.). That location will be a new haven for the homeless, as noted by our reporter Donathan Salkaln, in his Jan. 3 article, Homelessness and Affordability: The […]

Free Forums, Workshops, Clinics Offer Assistance to Tenants

Free Forums, Workshops, Clinics Offer Assistance to Tenants

Knowledge is power. These free forums, workshops, and clinics offer NYC tenants the chance to access helpful tools and information. Friday, January 10: HSTPA of 2019: International Forum | Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer invites you to learn more about the recent changes to the rent laws and how to utilize the tools and information […]