This Week in Chelsea: August 5-11, 2019

This Week in Chelsea: August 5-11, 2019

Tuesday, August 6: Plaza Ribbon-Cutting | The Meatpacking District Initiative BID is hosting a ribbon-cutting for the formal opening of the Gansevoort and Chelsea Plazas. It caps over four years of construction, and has created over 20,000 square feet of public space. Drop by to say, “Hello,” and help celebrate the district’s revival. This 10am […]

Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Re: Chelsea Green Charms Neighborhood, After Years of Grassroots Efforts (news, July 26, 2019): A beautiful day to open the very beautiful Chelsea Green park. It was a delight to see little kids frolicking in the miniature sprinklers, which are just the perfect size for them. There was a veritable parking lot of strollers at […]

Whitney Biennial 2019 Showcases Subtle Acts of Handmade Resistance

Whitney Biennial 2019 Showcases Subtle Acts of Handmade Resistance

BY KRISTEN ANCILLOTTI | Every other year, the Whitney Museum of American Art (99 Gansevoort St. btw. Washington St. & 10th Ave.) presents the Whitney Biennial, an exhibition that shares what is happening in American art at the current moment, across the mediums of painting, sculpture, installation, film and video, photography, performance, and sound. The […]

Library of Congress to Archive Our LGBTQ+ Content

Library of Congress to Archive Our LGBTQ+ Content

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Tips from community members, pitches from publicists, and press releases from elected officials: It was just another interesting day at the office on Friday, July 26—and then, we came across an email with the subject line “Inclusion of your Website in the Library of Congress Web Archives.” It read, in part: […]