Chelsea Green Charms Neighborhood, After Years of Grassroots Efforts

Chelsea Green Charms Neighborhood, After Years of Grassroots Efforts

BY KRISTEN ANCILLOTTI | Chelsea Green, the first new park built in Chelsea in 40 years, opened to the public on July 25 with a jubilant ribbon-cutting ceremony. From the inventive playground already teeming with children to the stage just waiting for its first show, there was much to see and celebrate. The park has […]

Some Penn South Residents Push Back at Fulton Houses Plan

Some Penn South Residents Push Back at Fulton Houses Plan

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Since Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced a public/private partnership plan to demolish two of the 11 buildings at Chelsea’s Fulton Houses, relocate tenants to a new building on the same property, and effectively privatize its management, other nearby residents have been feeling the […]

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Re: CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses (news, July 19, 2019) The whole concept of selling off publicly owned properties to private developers in order to get cash to maintain other public properties is fundamentally wrong. What could be more shortsighted? Public housing, like public parks, should be maintained by taxpayers. […]

This Week in Chelsea: July 22-28, 2019

This Week in Chelsea: July 22-28, 2019

Wednesday, July 24: Community Board 4 Full Board Meeting | It’s a love letter to anyone who’s ever come across construction in their neighborhood and said, “But nobody told me about that.” CB4 meetings provide early warnings for things to come, as the board reviews and debates everything from rezoning to liquor license renewal requests. […]

CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses

CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Since the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) unveiled a plan that would allow private developers to take the wrecking ball to two of the 11 Fulton Houses and privatize Fulton’s management, petitions in opposition have begun flooding NYCHA’s Fulton Houses and Elliott-Chelsea Houses, Penn South, and other enclaves of working […]

Queer New York, 50 Years After Stonewall

Queer New York, 50 Years After Stonewall

PHOTOS, INTERVIEWS, CONTEXT BY MIKA TURBERVILLE (they/them) | Though I’m somewhat new to this city and the people who call this place home, I have managed to meet so many friendly faces from all walks of life—and every letter of the queer alphabet. Together, we make up a beautiful amalgamation of love, support, androgyny, fluidity, […]