Hudson Guild’s Performing Artworks! Roars Back to the Real World

Hudson Guild’s Performing Artworks! Roars Back to the Real World

  BY SCOTT STIFFLER with PHOTOS BY CONRAD HANSON Sawdust in the shoes and stars in the eyes were the lingering effects on the early evening of June 23, when an audience starved for live entertainment feasted upon the full menu of talent packed into Hudson Guild Performing Artworks!’ Circus and Dance Spectacular. “This was our […]

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 28-July 4, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: Week of June 28-July 4, 2021

Saturdays, ran or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to Earth Farmers Markets has once again put down roots in Chelsea, (on W. 23rd St. near Ninth Ave.) every Saturday, 9am to 3pm. By and large, it’s the same experience as it’s always been (fresh product, friendly people), albeit with a few notable nods to […]

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