PHOTOS BY MINDY ROSIER-RAYBURN TAKEN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO MANHATTAN’S NEW SLIGHTLY OFF-SITE PUBLIC PARK Since its opening day on May 21, Little Island–the stout, compact public park that sets itself apart from the rest of Manhattan’s offerings by setting itself in the Hudson–has been an in-demand destination, often operating at the capacity end […]
BY NYC COUNCIL CANDIDATE MARNI HALASA | When I think of what I’d like to express to my District 3 community after the long campaign leading up to June 22’s Primary, it is a feeling of gratefulness and gratitude. So many neighbors, friends, activists, and even folks we met on the street came to help […]
BY PUMA PERL | It was Pride Month, 2019, when I last interviewed my friend Michael Alago. We had spoken about his upcoming memoir, I Am Michael Alago: Breathing Music. Signing Metallica. Beating Death, which was scheduled to be released in January 2020; about the documentary, Who the F**k Is That Guy? The Fabulous Journey of […]
Below, find a social media posting by NYC Council District 3 candidate Phelan Dante Fitzpatrick, one of six who ran for the Councilmember seat to be vacated by term-limited Speaker Corey Johnson. Following the photo, find the statement’s text. Want more? Click on the instances of words in red. BY PHELAN DANTE FITZPATRICK | So […]
BY GERLD BUSBY | Now that I’m 85 and have just emerged from a near-death experience after major surgery, I realize that being gay has absolutely nothing to do with sex. It has to do only with being present to myself as continuously as possible. When I think of my past as a gay man […]
BY WINNIE MCCROY | On the evening of Thursday, June 10, after a lengthy meeting, Community Board 4’s Waterfront, Parks & Environment (CB4’s WPE) Committee announced they would begin the process to shut down the West 30th Street Air Pegasus V.I.P. Heliport, which is owned by Hudson River Park Trust (HRPT, the Trust). The meeting […]
BY GUY KETTELHACK | The meaning of epochal events, as often as not made dysmorphic over time by social change and the scatterings of fate, almost always undergoes a metamorphosis. After 52 years the insurrection which marked the Stonewall Uprising (not a rebellion, not a riot) of June 28-July 1, 1969 may seem to the growing majority […]
Whether in good, lean, or uncharted times, Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen does not falter in their commitment to serve those in need. But never turning anyone away means they often find themselves turning to the Chelsea community for help. Below, in their own words, find out just how far your dollars will go, if donated […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | At the very same time the world was observing its first full year since COVID-19’s sheltering in place beget working from home, the company that made it desirable to do business in the digital realm was doubling down, and then some, on its post-pandemic brick and mortar presence. A March 18 […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | In this age of making adjustments for the lack of public gatherings because of COVID-19, anything is possible. Who, pre-pandemic, would have thought Manhattan Community Board 4 would have a YouTube channel, teeming with archival video of its many committee and full board meetings? And who could imagine so many of […]