Grey Day Makes for Memorable Maiden Voyage to Little Island

Grey Day Makes for Memorable Maiden Voyage to Little Island

PHOTOS BY MINDY ROSIER-RAYBURN TAKEN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO MANHATTAN’S NEW SLIGHTLY OFF-SITE PUBLIC PARK Since its opening day on May 21, Little Island–the stout, compact public park that sets itself apart from the rest of Manhattan’s offerings by setting itself in the Hudson–has been an in-demand destination, often operating at the capacity end […]

Stonewall’s Meaning, Frozen in Time for Boomers, Bends to Meet Needs of New Generations

Stonewall’s Meaning, Frozen in Time for Boomers, Bends to Meet Needs of New Generations

BY GUY KETTELHACK | The meaning of epochal events, as often as not made dysmorphic over time by social change and the scatterings of fate, almost always undergoes a metamorphosis. After 52 years the insurrection which marked the Stonewall Uprising (not a rebellion, not a riot) of June 28-July 1, 1969 may seem to the growing majority […]

Finding the Right MBP for Chelsea, and Other Online Events From the New Usual Suspects

Finding the Right MBP for Chelsea, and Other Online Events From the New Usual Suspects

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | In this age of making adjustments for the lack of public gatherings because of COVID-19, anything is possible. Who, pre-pandemic, would have thought Manhattan Community Board 4 would have a YouTube channel, teeming with archival video of its many committee and full board meetings? And who could imagine so many of […]

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