A Message from Manhattan Community Board 4’s Chair, Lowell Kern

A Message from Manhattan Community Board 4’s Chair, Lowell Kern

Dear Neighbor, As Governor Cuomo leads the way in trying to flatten the curve of COVID-19, he has put out a call for anyone with medical experience to help staff testing centers the state will establish. If you have medical experience and are interested in helping out, State Senator Brad Hoylman is coordinating a response. […]

Amid COVID-19 Concerns, Chelsea Churches Feed the Needs of Hungry New Yorkers

Amid COVID-19 Concerns, Chelsea Churches Feed the Needs of Hungry New Yorkers

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | New Yorkers need not go hungry—and amid COVID-19 concerns, two longtime sources of nutrition remain mission-focused. As of press time, the Saturday operation of the St. Peter’s Chelsea Food Pantry continues, unabated, while Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen is modifying its services. For the latest information, visit their websites (by clicking on […]

Chelsea Cultural Destinations Shutter Amidst COVID-19 Concerns

Chelsea Cultural Destinations Shutter Amidst COVID-19 Concerns

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The coronavirus pandemic has plunged the world into uncharted waters–and for NYC cultural destinations, that means suspending public events and performances, temporarily or indefinately. Below, find information on how local arts organizations are reacting to this unprecedented public health challenge. Streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu might provide some solace, […]

NYC Council Speaker Johnson’s Statement on Coronavirus/COVID-19

NYC Council Speaker Johnson’s Statement on Coronavirus/COVID-19

  The following is from a press release of Thursday, March 12, 2020, in which New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson (whose area of coverage includes Chelsea) provides the latest information on how the City is reacting to Coronavirus/COVID-19. For more info, visit the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene by […]

Great Local Candidates Outnumber National Ones!

Great Local Candidates Outnumber National Ones!

BY DONATHAN SALKALN  | Duck hunting season is almost over—and the diverse flock of 29 Democratic candidates for president has been whittled down to two old, grey birds. One candidate is a hard-boiled quackler, seemingly bent over from carrying the buckshot wounds he’s gotten for support of healthcare-for-all and environmental concerns, concepts in place in […]

This Week in Chelsea: March 9-15, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: March 9-15, 2020

Thursday, March 12, 5:30pm-8pm: Women’s History Month celebration at the American Museum of Natural History | Join the office of NYC Comptroller Scott M. Stringer and the American Museum of Natural History in celebrating Women’s History Month. All are welcome. Thurs., March 12 at Cullman Hall of the Universe (200 Central Park West; W. 81st […]

Coronavirus Facts and Precautions

Coronavirus Facts and Precautions

NOTE: Clicking on anything red on this page will take you to another destination on the web, for more information on COVID-19. As noted by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that can cause either mild illness, such as a cold, or can make people sick with […]

CB4’s New Chair, and Members, Get Cookin’ on Hot Topics

CB4’s New Chair, and Members, Get Cookin’ on Hot Topics

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | The population of New York City is climbing toward 9 million residents. The tourism stats for 2018, 65.2 million, marked its ninth year of consecutive growth. Luxury apartment buildings, office towers, tech companies, and college campuses are clogging our skylines and jamming our neighborhoods like never before. Like a speeding cargo […]

This Week in Chelsea: February 24-March 1, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: February 24-March 1, 2020

February/March Lent-Themed Activities at St. Peter’s Chelsea | Tues., Feb. 25, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Butter, syrup, bacon and more! Get ready for Lent, with the St. Peter’s family, for their annual Pancake Supper. Enjoy your favorite breakfast food before you give it all up! RSVP via sending an email to rsvp@stpeterschelsea.org. Then, on Wed., […]

Of Post Offices, Parking Fines, and Tax Prep: Chelsea News You Can Use

Of Post Offices, Parking Fines, and Tax Prep: Chelsea News You Can Use

Full Disclosure: The below info was inspired by (a less generous person might say, “lifted wholesale from”) Manhattan Community Board 4’s Upcoming Community Events Newsletter of Feb. 20, 2020. To subscribe to that Newsletter, click here. The New High Line Postal Station | Snail mail fans, rejoice: A new postal station opened on Tues., Feb. […]

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