BY KRISTEN ANCILLOTTI | The Hudson Yards Hell’s Kitchen Alliance (HYHK) held their annual meeting on June 4 at 555TEN in Midtown to commemorate a year of neighborhood improvements, the successful opening of Hudson Yards, and the work of local artists, as well as to give a peek at what is to come. The Business […]
TEXT AND PHOTOS BY MIKA TURBERVILLE | Black and Latinx trans people are dying at an alarming rate—being murdered for their very existence. In response to the murder of Muhlaysia Booker, who, at only 23, was shot just weeks after surviving a vicious assault—and in remembrance of the other numerous royal transgender women who have […]
BY EILEEN STUKANE | The 11 buildings that form the Robert Fulton Houses, between Ninth and 10th Aves., from W. 16th to W. 19th Sts., are much more than the brick and mortar that have been holding them together since they were built in the early 1960s. These New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) buildings […]
June 6, 1944, Normandy, France: 24 hours on Utah Beach with an Assault Reconnaissance Engineer BY RICK CARRIER Storm gray, rain heavy sky. Battleships fill the horizon, north to south, guns aflame. Fiery tracers fly low overhead, etch sparkling strings of color. The pow-kapow of big enemy guns, shoot right at me. Surging assault […]
BY WINNIE McCROY | New York legislators are taking steps to protect citizens from laws and policies that penalize marijuana use and criminalize sex work. The New York City Council recently passed a bill banning prospective employers for testing for the presence of marijuana. And in Albany, legislators are working to expand criminal record relief […]
BY MARK NIMAR | The Chelsea Waterside Park Association (CWPA) held its annual meeting on May 22, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Chelsea. Founded in 1986, CWPA advocated for the creation of the Chelsea Waterside Park, a green space on W. 23rd St., near the Hudson River. The beloved neighborhood park contains a basketball […]
BY CHRISTIAN MILES | On May 19, the Lutnik Theatre within the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum hosted the 5th Annual West Side Summit for New York City Council District 3, helmed by City Council Speaker Corey Johnson (NYC Councilmember, 3rd District), who gave his State of the District address and announced the results […]
BY WINNIE McCROY | As Google grows and expands in Chelsea and Hudson Square, they are finding innovative ways to engage these communities via computer coding and literacy programs. Currently, Google is providing two such opportunities: Code Next, an initiative to foster the next generation of Black and Latinx tech leaders; and Grow with Google, […]
UPDATE: After a public hearing on May 14, the Landmarks Preservation Commission denied the undermentioned application to preserve the facade of the building, while demolishing and reconstructing the rest of the house. BY EILEEN STUKANE | Save Chelsea, an organized coalition of Chelsea’s community groups and residents, is dedicated to preserving the history and beauty of […]
BY SAM BLEIBERG | Transit riders experienced their new normal for the foreseeable future, as the L Train began reduced service this past weekend. As riders to and from Chelsea scramble to find alternatives to travel across town, the fight over mitigation efforts on 14th St. continues. A group of elected officials representing Chelsea released […]