Zimmer on Dance: NYC Pride Week Wonders

Zimmer on Dance: NYC Pride Week Wonders

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER Daniel Gwirtzman Dance Company, Dance With Us, June 25-27 | “I don’t make Gay Art. I make art. The metaphors of resilience, pride, strength, and community are central to my art-making. All is shaped inherently by a lived queerness.” Gwirtzman, a master teacher from Washington Heights currently on the faculty at Ithaca College, […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Love Me Red Lipstick

Writing the Apocalypse: Love Me Red Lipstick

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic and what, at present, appears to be the post-pandemic period. Love Me Red Lipstick| TEXT & PHOTOS BY PUMA PERL Crusin’ and playin’ the radio With […]

Zimmer on Dance, Pride Edition: Performance Mix Festival, Queer Butoh

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | Performance Mix Festival, June 10-13 | This venerable fete celebrates its 35th anniversary with four days of in-person outdoor performances, live stream, installations, and screenings, featuring work by queer artists from across North America. On opening night at 8:30pm, Anh Vo presents a live performance of non-binary pussy, a “revolutionary concert, fusing […]

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