Everyday He Writes the Book: Sen. Brad Hoylman, on LGBTQ+ Causes Won and In Waiting

Everyday He Writes the Book: Sen. Brad Hoylman, on LGBTQ+ Causes Won and In Waiting

Just prior to June’s calendar-recognized celebration of the LGBTQ+ community in real and virtual spaces, Chelsea Community News spoke with New York State Senator Brad Hoylman–until late, the lone out, gay male voice in Albany–about important human rights victories won, and challenges still one his legislative plate. Note: Hoylman is currently running as a candidate for […]

This Week in Chelsea: May 24-30, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: May 24-30, 2021

This Week’s “This Week in Chelsea” In Order of Appearance:      Wed., May 26: The 10th Precinct Community Council meeting | Chelsea Farmers Market | Chelsea Green Park gets free WiFi | Vaccine site in Chelsea | W. Chelsea park’s garden club | Hudson Guild online talent show | Past but still present: Events from earlier in the […]

Getting to Know You: Mark Levine, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

Getting to Know You: Mark Levine, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

“Where do you see yourself at this time next year?” wasn’t always such a loaded question. Before COVID-19, forward thinkers could confidently project ahead 365 days to find themselves seated in a restaurant booked to capacity, rubbing shoulders with fellow theatergoers, or making good on the “If I’m elected” promises that swept you into office. […]

Getting to Know You: Kim Watkins, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

Getting to Know You: Kim Watkins, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

“Where do you see yourself at this time next year?” wasn’t always such a loaded question. Before COVID-19, forward thinkers could confidently project ahead 365 days to find themselves seated in a restaurant booked to capacity, rubbing shoulders with fellow theatergoers, or making good on the “If I’m elected” promises that swept you into office. […]

Getting to Know You: Elizabeth Caputo, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

Getting to Know You: Elizabeth Caputo, Candidate for Manhattan Borough President

“Where do you see yourself at this time next year?” wasn’t always such a loaded question. Before COVID-19, forward thinkers could confidently project ahead 365 days to find themselves seated in a restaurant booked to capacity, rubbing shoulders with fellow theatergoers, or making good on the “If I’m elected” promises that swept you into office. […]

Finding the Right MBP for Chelsea, and Other Online Events From the New Usual Suspects

Finding the Right MBP for Chelsea, and Other Online Events From the New Usual Suspects

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | In this age of making adjustments for the lack of public gatherings because of COVID-19, anything is possible. Who, pre-pandemic, would have thought Manhattan Community Board 4 would have a YouTube channel, teeming with archival video of its many committee and full board meetings? And who could imagine so many of […]

My 50 Most Humiliating Moments: Prepare to Squirm!

My 50 Most Humiliating Moments: Prepare to Squirm!

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | The past year has provided ample time for me to rummage through my memory bank and withdraw some lovely recollections—along with many remembrances of times I made an utter fool of myself (or, even worse, was made a fool of by others). Playing in my head like a montage of not […]

Chelsea Farmers Market Returns, Seasoned with a Peppering of Pandemic Precautions

Chelsea Farmers Market Returns, Seasoned with a Peppering of Pandemic Precautions

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Starting May 15 and continuing through December 18, every Saturday from 9am to 3pm, Down to Earth Farmers Markets puts down roots in Chelsea, albeit with a few notable changes brought about by the now-familiar realities of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may say the fully vaccinated “can resume […]

Writing the Apocalypse: Winning the Pandemic

Writing the Apocalypse: Winning the Pandemic

Writing the Apocalypse is a weekly series featuring the poems, essays, and recollections of Puma Perl, with subject matter influenced by her experiences as a NYC resident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Winning the Pandemic | BY PUMA PERL I hear a lot about pandemic achievements   Bread baking yoga posing piano playing shirt designing weight losing city walking […]

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