Letter to the Editor: Chelsea Subway Stops Need Elevators Now!

Dear Editor: Subway elevators serve us all—those with disabilities, parents with strollers, pregnant women, seniors, people with bad backs and knees, tourists, and anybody with luggage. Only about 25% of NYC’s 472 stations are accessible. A five-year lawsuit initiated by disability transportation activists against the MTA was settled in 2022, so there is now a legal […]


Letter to the Editor: Public Meetings Should Provide In-Person, Online Access

Letter to the Editor: Public Meetings Should Provide In-Person, Online Access

Re: Coming Cornucopia is Cause of Community Council’s Cancellation (news, Nov. 23, 2021) To the Editor: Thank you for the recent article in Chelsea Community News on local police Precinct 10 [Community Council] meetings in Chelsea. Unfortunately, as stated in the article, the last two meetings were only in-person. The November meeting (cancelled) also posted as in-person […]


Letters to the Editor: Week of August 16-22, 2021

Letters to the Editor: Week of August 16-22, 2021

To The Editor: We all celebrate the lessening of COVID-19 and its accompanying restrictions. But there is a bright—or at least, ironic—side to having so many aspects of our daily routine altered. The pandemic created a multitude of unintended practices and policies that would enhance our lives: Open Streets, awareness of parking spots as public […]


Reader Comments

Reader Comments

Re: The 10 Most Annoying Types of People in the Pandemic (May 4, 2020) “Hey, Michael! Good to see you here!”–Elizabeth Zimmer “You forgot 7PM clap for caregivers who blast crappy music out windows from 6:45 to 7.”–Aphra Behn ” ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is the CIAs word for “Free Thinkers.’ “–Nick “You are a local treasure!”–Richard […]


Letters to The Editor: Week of April 20, 2020

Letters to The Editor: Week of April 20, 2020

To The Editor: I can’t say that Judy Richheimer and I were close friends. It was, unfortunately, more the typical New York type of thing where you’ve seen someone for a long time, but the closest you ever got to “friendship” was smiling, saying, “Hi” as you passed on the street, and every so often […]


Letters to The Editor: The Jimmy Campbell Edition

Letters to The Editor: The Jimmy Campbell Edition

The following are reader comments on our April 10, 2020 tribute to the late Jimmy Campbell, a longtime Chelsea resident. To read the tribute, click here. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Jim Campbell was my godfather. I knew him my entire life–he was dear friends with my parents, Diane and George Sukol (both also from NY), but really, Jim […]


Letters to the Editor: The Judy Richheimer Edition (comments culled from reader comments)

Letters to the Editor: The Judy Richheimer Edition (comments culled from reader comments)

Re: “Losing a Chelsea Hero: Judy Richheimer Remembered as a Relentless Activist, Journalist, Friend” (3/30/2020) I am a longtime Chelsea resident, but first became acquainted with Judy when she began writing and interviewing for her series in Chelsea Now on disability advocacy and the campaign for subway accessibility for people with disabilities, “elevators for everyone.” […]


Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 29, 2019

Re: Chelsea Green Charms Neighborhood, After Years of Grassroots Efforts (news, July 26, 2019): A beautiful day to open the very beautiful Chelsea Green park. It was a delight to see little kids frolicking in the miniature sprinklers, which are just the perfect size for them. There was a veritable parking lot of strollers at […]


Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Reader Comments: Week of July 22, 2019

Re: CB4 Proposal Counters NYCHA’s Vision for Demolition at Fulton Houses (news, July 19, 2019) The whole concept of selling off publicly owned properties to private developers in order to get cash to maintain other public properties is fundamentally wrong. What could be more shortsighted? Public housing, like public parks, should be maintained by taxpayers. […]