This Week in Chelsea: February 24-March 1, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: February 24-March 1, 2020

February/March Lent-Themed Activities at St. Peter’s Chelsea | Tues., Feb. 25, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Butter, syrup, bacon and more! Get ready for Lent, with the St. Peter’s family, for their annual Pancake Supper. Enjoy your favorite breakfast food before you give it all up! RSVP via sending an email to Then, on Wed., […]

Of Post Offices, Parking Fines, and Tax Prep: Chelsea News You Can Use

Of Post Offices, Parking Fines, and Tax Prep: Chelsea News You Can Use

Full Disclosure: The below info was inspired by (a less generous person might say, “lifted wholesale from”) Manhattan Community Board 4’s Upcoming Community Events Newsletter of Feb. 20, 2020. To subscribe to that Newsletter, click here. The New High Line Postal Station | Snail mail fans, rejoice: A new postal station opened on Tues., Feb. […]

This Week in Chelsea: February 17-23, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: February 17-23, 2020

Thursday, February 20, 7pm: Midtown South Community Council Meeting | The Midtown South Community Council was established in 1983 to enhance quality of life by addressing the concerns of its residents and local businesses: trash collection, tree planting, criminal offenses, and other issues are always on the Council’s agenda. They resolve their issues by coordinating […]

Dual Proclamations Praise Former CB4 Chair Burt Lazarin

Dual Proclamations Praise Former CB4 Chair Burt Lazarin

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Chelsea’s own Burt Lazarin, a London Terrace resident since 1977, was honored with not one, but two, Proclamations extolling his work as former Chair of Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4), and so very much more. That he’s worthy of such recognition should come as no surprise to those familiar with his […]

Five Symptoms of the Crime Virus

Five Symptoms of the Crime Virus

BY DONATHAN SALKALN | Crime is an infectious disease, and should be treated on the scale of the Coronavirus outbreak. A citywide emergency should have been declared after a Barnard College student, Tessa Majors, was murdered on December 11, 2019. The horrific crime in Manhattan’s Morningside Park, allegedly by youths aged 13 and 14 years […]

Game Not Over: Ms. Pak-Man Drags You Into Her 8-Bit Orbit

Game Not Over: Ms. Pak-Man Drags You Into Her 8-Bit Orbit

It’s yesterday once more, as forward-thinking, Seattle-based writer and performer Scott Shoemaker skirts potentially career-crushing lawsuits by subbing a “c” with a “k,” to bring his singular comedic sensation, Ms. Pak-Man, to the NYC boards for the first time, Feb. 20-23. Drag meets 1980s video game royalty, in an evening of comedy, confessions, camp, songs, […]

Noise, Nothingness, Hopper: This Month, in Chelsea Dance

Noise, Nothingness, Hopper: This Month, in Chelsea Dance

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER Cherylyn Lavagnino Dance | This triple bill, choreographed by Chelsea resident Lavagnino, features two works to music by composer Martin Bresnick: the 2016 Veiled, and the brand-new Tales of Hopper. The latter plucks characters from eight moody paintings by Edward Hopper, and locates them in transparent set pieces by designer Jesse Seegers; […]

This Week in Chelsea: February 10-16, 2020

This Week in Chelsea: February 10-16, 2020

Friday, February 14, 11:30am: “Celebrating Monumental Women” | Celebrate women winning the right to vote at two great events, as part of Monumental Women’s countdown to the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Join Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer and Monumental Women on Fri., Feb. 14, at 11:30am in Madison Square Park (corner of […]

Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice &… Blah

Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice &… Blah

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | Pershing Square Signature Center’s Romulus Linney Courtyard Theatre is a long, narrow, terraced space with seating on three sides; performers practically fall in the laps of spectators. So when Michael Zegen and Ana Nogueira, who play Ted and Alice in the New Group’s musical version of Bob & Carol & Ted & […]