Chelsea Hotel Doc Captures the Iconic Incubator’s Creativity and Chaos

Chelsea Hotel Doc Captures the Iconic Incubator’s Creativity and Chaos

FILM REVIEW | Dreaming Walls: Inside the Chelsea Hotel BY PUMA PERL | Having made its debut at last month’s Tribeca Film Festival, Dreaming Walls is currently screening at the IFC Center in Manhattan and is available on a variety of streaming services. It was directed by Amélie Van Elmbt and Maya Duverdier, two young Belgian filmmakers […]

After Death at Rainbow Station, NYPD Inspection Yields 12 Summonses

After Death at Rainbow Station, NYPD Inspection Yields 12 Summonses

BY SCOTT STIFFLER Uniformed officers from Chelsea’s 10th Precinct issued 12 summonses during a Tuesday, July 5, 9pm business inspection of Rainbow Station. The 24-hour adult store’s 203 Eighth Ave. location puts it on the block of W. 20th to 21st Sts., where longstanding construction-related scaffolding—expected to be removed within months—is cited by residents as […]

June Primary, Now History: Voters Reflect After the Act of Casting

June Primary, Now History: Voters Reflect After the Act of Casting

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | The race to replace New York State Assembly Member Richard Gottfried—whose retirement will end a 52-year run as District 75’s voice in Albany—took a decisive turn last Tuesday, June 28, when the New York State Primary Election was held, following June 18-26’s Early Voting period. On her first assignment, Chelsea Community News’ […]

This Week in Chelsea: July 4-10, 2022

This Week in Chelsea: July 4-10, 2022

In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA”   PS11 Farm Market / Wellness Wednesdays Free Flatiron Fitness Series / Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea / NYC Councilmember Erik Bottcher’s Monthly Free Housing Clinic / Stargazing on the High Line The PS11 Farm Market, Week #5: Wednesday, July 6, 8-9am on W. 21st. St. btw. […]

The Spirit of ’76: Protecting Us Against the Putin Playbook

The Spirit of ’76: Protecting Us Against the Putin Playbook

BY KEN PAULSON (Director and Professor, Free Speech Center, Middle Tennessee State University | As we gather to celebrate Independence Day, it’s a good time to reflect on how our most fundamental freedoms have served this nation well. It’s an even better time to think about what would happen if those liberties were taken away. […]

This Week in Chelsea: June 27-July 3, 2022

This Week in Chelsea: June 27-July 3, 2022

In This Week’s “THIS WEEK IN CHELSEA” 10th Precinct Sector C Build the Block Meeting / The Big Mix / Wellness Wednesdays Free Flatiron Fitness Series / Down to Earth Farmers Market Chelsea / Stargazing on the High Line / The 10th Precinct Sector C Build the Block Meeting: Wednesday, June 29, 6pm via Zoom | Every […]

Tenant Protections and Increased Housing Supply: A Prescription for Our Housing Affordability Crisis

Tenant Protections and Increased Housing Supply: A Prescription for Our Housing Affordability Crisis

BY HARRISON MARKS| Recently, the Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) voted to increase rents for rent-stabilized tenants by 3.25% for 1-year leases and by 5% in 2-year leases. That doesn’t sound so stable to me. As a candidate running to represent thousands of rent-stabilized tenants in the 75th Assembly District on the west side of Manhattan, […]

To Linda, with ‘Love’: Lavin and Friends Launch New Album

To Linda, with ‘Love’: Lavin and Friends Launch New Album

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | It seems like forever since TV icon and leggy Broadway leading lady Linda Lavin released her debut solo album, appropriately titled Possibilities, with liner notes by Hal Prince. (“Wonderfully unique singing voice, acting chops and — what else can you call it? — star quality,” he gushed, of directing her in […]

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