The Whitney Has Wonders for the Post-Lockdown World

The Whitney Has Wonders for the Post-Lockdown World

WHAT: The Whitney Museum of American Art WHERE: 99 Gansevoort St. HOW: Admission & exhibitions info at VISITOR POLICIES: Guidelines are in place for the safety and well-being of visitors and staff. Visitors must book timed tickets in advance. Face coverings are required, even for vaccinated visitors. Click here to learn more abbot the Whitney’s […]

Fulton Center Auditorium a Fitting Setting for CB4 Full Board

Fulton Center Auditorium a Fitting Setting for CB4 Full Board

TEXT BY SCOTT STIFFLER, PHOTOS BY PAMELA WOLFF | July 28 was a date of notable firsts for Manhattan Community Board 4 (CB4), whose full board meeting—normally held on the first Wednesday of the month—observed its annual summertime ritual of bundling the July/August meetings. So expansive was the 53-Item agenda, CB4 gladly accepted the gracious […]

This Week In Chelsea: August 2-8, 2021

This Week In Chelsea: August 2-8, 2021

Saturdays, rain or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to Earth Farmers Markets has once again put down roots in Chelsea (on W. 23rd St. near Ninth Ave.). By and large, it’s the same experience as it’s always been (fresh product, friendly people), albeit with a few notable nods to pandemic protocol: If you have not […]

This Week in Chelsea: July 28-August 4, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: July 28-August 4, 2021

Through Sept. 22 at Hudson Guild’s Gallery II, The Portrait Project: Paintings of Hudson Guild Community Members by Rusty Zimmerman | As we noted in this recent article, Chelsea’s vital community center is back in the brick and mortar business, having resumed live theatrical performances and, with this exhibit, gallery viewings. See the below flyer for details, and click here […]

Coordinated Effort Proving Effective at Sidelining Sidewalk Shed’s Shielding of Drug Use, Sales

Coordinated Effort Proving Effective at Sidelining Sidewalk Shed’s Shielding of Drug Use, Sales

BY WINNIE McCROY | The pandemic-demanded reimagining of Manhattan as something less than a 24/7 source of retail, restaurant, and nightlife opportunities made it seem like the city that never sleeps had gone into hibernation. Tourists left in droves and have yet to return in comparable numbers; residents sheltered in place shortly after sundown; and unhoused […]

The Joys of Not Being a Joiner

The Joys of Not Being a Joiner

BY MICHAEL MUSTO | I did most of my joining back at school, when I was especially desperate to be validated by others. I performed in shows, wrote for the school paper and the literary magazine, was treasurer of the honor society, and even joined the college Glee Club just to get a free trip […]

This Week in Chelsea: July 19-25, 2021

This Week in Chelsea: July 19-25, 2021

Sat., July 24 at 1pm RESCHEDULED FROM Thurs., July 22 at 4pm: The 10th Precinct’s Sector A Build the Block Meeting, via Zoom | Neighborhood Coordination Officers are police officers assigned as NCOs, and given an assignment to protect a specific sector of their precinct, while establishing new relationship and strengthening existing ones. Two NCOs […]

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