BY SCOTT STIFFLER When onetime triumphant Shark Tank contestant Brandon Fay chose a decidedly compact Seventh Ave./W. 21st St. storefront as the downtown dispensary for his exceptionally good pizza and pasta, it was another gutsy move that paid off big-time… in due time, that is. Pasta by Hudson’s Chelsea location opened in November 2020—a […]
PHOTOS BY MINDY ROSIER-RAYBURN TAKEN DURING HER FIRST VISIT TO MANHATTAN’S NEW SLIGHTLY OFF-SITE PUBLIC PARK Since its opening day on May 21, Little Island–the stout, compact public park that sets itself apart from the rest of Manhattan’s offerings by setting itself in the Hudson–has been an in-demand destination, often operating at the capacity end […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | A fall 2020 outdoor art display borne of precautionary necessity set the stage for two dynamic exhibits currently on view through late August and September. Dancing with Light and Emerging Artists feature the work of area high school students and graduates, respectively, and can be seen, respectively, at Clement Clarke Moore […]
Saturdays, ran or shine, 9am-3pm: Chelsea Farmers Market | Down to Earth Farmers Markets has once again put down roots in Chelsea (on W. 23rd St. near Ninth Ave.). By and large, it’s the same experience as it’s always been (fresh product, friendly people), albeit with a few notable nods to pandemic protocol: If you have not […]
The following is a July 10 email (subject line, “Desperate Plea”) written by Chelsea resident Pamela Wolff, in her capacity as a member of the Chelsea West 200 Block Association. It has been shared widely since it was originally sent to the offices of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, New York State Assembly Member Richard […]
Mondays at 7pm, July 12 to Aug. 9, LaMaMa Presents, Online, Chang In a Void Moon: Episodes 62-66 John Jesurun’s epic series, now in year 40, continues via Downtown’s essential experimental theatre club, La MaMa. Each of the five episodes is approximately 20 minutes in length, available via streaming and on-demand through Aug. 31, and […]
TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL 2021: PUMA PERL’S REVIEWS OF POSER AND VENUS AS A BOY | Serendipitously, I viewed Poser and Venus as a Boy on consecutive days, enhancing the experience of looking at two sides of the same coin. Both films examine underground scenes and include local artists, musicians, and actual venues. However, one spotlights […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Seemingly airborne when seen from a distance, the 23-strong Pride Puppets contingant was greeted with cheers and applause as it snaked its way down Seventh Ave. and into the heart of Chelsea. That sort of thing happens when you’re 10 feet tall and wear a sash bearing names like Harvey Milk, […]
BY SCOTT STIFFLER | In a tough, pre-pandemic economic environment made all the more challenging by the subsequent addition of social distancing, not every good idea thrown at the wall a few years back has stuck. So it’s a pleasure to include Poster House on the list of local treasures able to survive, and poised to […]
FILM REVIEW BY CHARLES BATTERSBY | After a quick glance at the title and synopsis of Father of the Cyborgs, audiences could be forgiven for thinking it’s a science fiction movie about the origin of a supervillain. Imagine a brilliant scientist who is also a humanitarian who has dedicated his life to cutting edge research. […]