Chelsea Hotel Doc Captures the Iconic Incubator’s Creativity and Chaos

Chelsea Hotel Doc Captures the Iconic Incubator’s Creativity and Chaos

FILM REVIEW | Dreaming Walls: Inside the Chelsea Hotel BY PUMA PERL | Having made its debut at last month’s Tribeca Film Festival, Dreaming Walls is currently screening at the IFC Center in Manhattan and is available on a variety of streaming services. It was directed by Amélie Van Elmbt and Maya Duverdier, two young Belgian filmmakers […]


To Linda, with ‘Love’: Lavin and Friends Launch New Album

To Linda, with ‘Love’: Lavin and Friends Launch New Album

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | It seems like forever since TV icon and leggy Broadway leading lady Linda Lavin released her debut solo album, appropriately titled Possibilities, with liner notes by Hal Prince. (“Wonderfully unique singing voice, acting chops and — what else can you call it? — star quality,” he gushed, of directing her in […]


Tribeca Film Festival Presents LGBTQIA+ Shorts: See Me, Feel Me

Tribeca Film Festival Presents LGBTQIA+ Shorts: See Me, Feel Me

BY WINNIE McCROY | The Tribeca Film Festival (June 8-19) opened last week with a slate of short films, including a collection of seven LGBTQIA+ Shorts called See Me, Feel Me. The shorts deal with issues of gay intimacy, relationships, S/M, racism, cross-dressing, coming out, self-harm, and intersectional queerness. Although they are all quite different […]


Anahid Sofian Celebrates 50 Years of Dance on West 15th Street

Anahid Sofian Celebrates 50 Years of Dance on West 15th Street

BY BONNIE ROSENSTOCK | Anahid Sofian opened her Oriental dance studio on West 15th Street in 1972, and is celebrating that auspicious occasion on Sat., June 18, with a night of dance, music, and libation. Billed as an Atelier Orientale, it will feature performers who were her students or teachers at her studio at one […]

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