Guest Opinion: Protecting Our Youth from Flavored Vapes

Guest Opinion: Protecting Our Youth from Flavored Vapes

BY NYC MAYOR ERIC ADAMS One of my most sacred obligations as Mayor is keeping our children safe from harm—and one of the leading risks to their health is nicotine-based products, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, also known as vapes. We have made great progress, as a city and nation, keeping our youth safe from traditional cigarette smoking—bringing down youth smoking rates from 23% in 2000 to 2.3% in 2021. But with the […]

Pilobolus, at 50, Brings New & Repertory Works to the Joyce

Pilobolus, at 50, Brings New & Repertory Works to the Joyce

BY ELIZABETH ZIMMER | Pilobolus—the mostly-male performance ensemble founded at Dartmouth College in 1971—had its 50th anniversary celebration derailed by the pandemic, but picked up the pieces and is touring now with two retrospective programs, each containing new works and repertory favorites. In residence at the Joyce through the end of July, the Connecticut-based troupe […]

Chelsea Park Dog Run Expected to Bow (Wow!) by End of July

Chelsea Park Dog Run Expected to Bow (Wow!) by End of July

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | Four-legged, tail-wagging creatures in and around the Chelsea Park area who answer to Fido, Frida—or any old name at the sound of the treats jar being opened—will soon have a place to play in an off-leash environment, according to the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation (Parks). As Chelsea […]

Swag in the Bag, Queens in the Street: West 22nd’s ‘Pride Pop-Up’ Finds Its Rainbow Connection

Swag in the Bag, Queens in the Street: West 22nd’s ‘Pride Pop-Up’ Finds Its Rainbow Connection

BY SCOTT STIFFLER | On Wednesday, June 21, the NYC Department of Transportation presented to Manhattan Community Board 4 their design proposal for the 200 block of West 22nd Street. As part of the City’s Open Streets program since May 2020, the elimination of most vehicular traffic between Seventh and Eighth Aves. for as much […]

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